Whale Communicator Joy McEntire

Northern Right Whale

Whale & Dolphin Communicator ~ Discover whales and dolphins through their own eyes!

... an amazing journey of discovery with Whale Whisperer & Dolphin Whisperer Joy
My Dolphin Whispers Journal
I am a dolphin whisperer, and I have many stories to tell about dolphins. I have recently moved to the west coast, to Sequim, Washington.

Up until March of 2017, I lived a 5-minute walk from a quiet beach in a residential area in Virginia Beach... there were no big hotels, and during the winter and spring months, the beach was often empty. Except there were dolphins...

They used to just do their weaving (swimming) through the water, up and down the coast, usually between May or June, through until the end of September. You'd see them gracefully moving, fins coming up, dipping down into the water and disappearing for a while, then coming back up again a little ways away, always moving up or down the coast.

Before 2016, in the fall, after a storm might have passed by and the waves were a little bigger, you might be lucky enough to see the occasional dolphin riding the waves, or maybe even jumping. No matter where and when, that is always exciting!

After I began connecting with them at the beach, though, they became more and more active and playful, and some of them even stayed around during the very cold winter months. You would very often see them having fun... especially if I was near, or even if I was on my way to the beach (as others soon began to let me know)... and even if they weren't exactly close to the beach at the time, you would still likely have see them splashing and jumping, way far out. People began commenting about the "dolphin shows"!

By autumn of 2016, they loved showing their "whale tails" (as they insisted they be called) and jumping high, even if there weren't any waves. "Skidding" in the water became another new pasttime of these dolphins. (You know, like when you run on the ice to gather speed, and then you slide...) You might have seen this as "skid-marks" making a whitecap that moves across the water for several yards where there isn't any surf at all. And they kept inventing more, all the time.

It was in 2014 that I started "talking" with the dolphins. In the beginning, it was just a bit. There weren't "conversations" yet, but I began feeling the energy of the dolphins. By 2015, the dolphins were happy to connect with me, and indicated that they often looked forward to it.

Late during the summer of 2015, I began going to the beach almost every single morning, to do my exercise and  energy routines, and also to "dance". Movement! I continued this all through the winter, even during the cold weather, because the energy of the outdoors and nature is so helpful.

It didn't take me long to start noticing that if the dolphins weren't already at the beach, they almostly ALWAYS showed up sometime while I was there... and usually they would let me know ahead of time, "We're about 4 minutes out, coming in from THIS direction"... or 20 minutes out, or whatever it might be, and almost always, sure enough, they would show up exactly "on time", and even more accurately, coming from the direction they had indicated.

Everything has a consciousness. Whether it's a drop of water, the sand, a tree, or a dolphin, everything has a story to tell.

So I began connecting with the dolphins, and here are some of my adventures... and by the way, the really fun and fascinating entries begin around August and September of 2016, so jump ahead and start there if you like.

Here is my journal... or what I have posted so far. There are many, many more entries and stories that I will continue to share, as time allows...
(Please be sure to read the 9/4/2016 post-hurricane Hermine note about "What do dolphins do during a storm?")

... and by the way, the first journal entries are all about "the energy"... and the dolphins coming and beginning to put on what others began referring to as "dolphin shows". The entries begin to get much more interesting around September 1, 2016, when you begin to learn much more who they are.

So skip ahead if you like.

For now, one of the most-favorite entries is September 10, 2016, entitled "That Man!" Happy reading!

A note to my readers...
A note to my readers...
May 28, 2017   
Hi there, I'd like to add just a note before you begin reading.
You'll find many of my stories fascinating, and I hope that one day, they'll be published as a book.
I can't really separate the dolphin and the whale journal entries, because sometimes, they all happen together.
I've tried, though, to put most of my dolphin notes here, at least for now, because the dolphins were my very first cetacean friends, and their personalities are so very expressive... and what I thought would be just a really amazing friendship, has turned out to be a complete anthropological journey.
Just as a person from a primitive place who has had not exposure to our present-day environment might make a fascinating study for our anthropologists, you will find just exactly the same thing here with these stories about my dolphins... and also the whales.
How much are they capable of understanding?
What might they want to know, and what kinds of questions will they ask?
(None? Are you wondering "What in the world could a dolphin possibly want to know?"
 Think again!)
What might they do with new ideas? Where will they go from there?
What might they do with ideas like counting?
What do they think during storms? (i.e., "Who or what is making the storm?")
There is so much more! I'm still looking forward to writing about babies... and having babies... THEIR perspective!
Another thought...
I had been trying to publish the journal entries sequentially, so that you can follow the threads and trains of thought from point A to point B ... or C... or E...(!), but what happens then is that the new and exciting things don't get published, because they're waiting for an earlier entry, in order to give the background.
So I'm going to begin publishing... in any order, and filling in the gaps as time allows. Please forgive the references to other journal entries that haven't yet been published!!! (I know you'd prefer to read "something" recent, rather than a whole lot of "nothing"!)
Also, you'll find their words throughout the entries... so if the writing style ever feels "awkward", please understand it's not the way I write... it's their own voices. I know you'll love them too!
~ Joy

My Dolphin Journal

2017 to present
(with still more to come)
(Please note that you can also quickly skip to the next journal entry by clicking on the little arrow at the right of each entry … that will let you see just the titles at a glance.)

   06/18/2017  ~  ''Will you marry me?''


"Will you marry me?"

It's about time to confess… or maybe it's confide… that I havehad maybe around 4 marriage proposals from dolphins and other ocean mammals to date. Seals mostly…

The first came from one of my lovely group 3 dolphins, sometime during the winter months (February or so) of 2016.

Please understand, first of all, that the dolphins and I don't actually need to "converse"… but rather, they "connect", and through the "connection", there are "streams of thought" and "streams of broadcast".

The dolphins have always told me that they use "Consciousness" to broadcast thoughts, and that their way of connecting broadcasts a whole "idea", if you will, at one split second… no individual words. Think "concepts".

They say that they do use sound to carry the consciousness, so they do communicate using frequencies that others might know as hearing, but it's generalizations. They have told me that "details" aren't there so much, so there's a lot of room for interpretation.

… and they indicate that it's also because they "use broadcast" that they "know how to be aware of receiving."

This often makes conversations really simple for me, because I can sometimes communicate an “idea”.

It's really challenging to explain… but maybe just imagine a scene that you might remember from a movie where you have a vivid image, and a there's a whole "idea" that goes with it… for example, where you might see many different people and their various responses to something, all at once. It might have taken 5 minutes to create the sequence, but in the final moment when it all comes together, there's an "Aha moment".

All you need to do is remember that final split-second Aha moment, and in there, is included the entire 5-minute sequence… the whole thing. That's sort of how it works.

It can be a really efficient way to learn things. They just simply "get" something… the idea. The details will sort themselves out.

I, on the other hand, have to work a lot harder at understanding what the dolphins and the other mammals communicate to me… but they're very helpful with expressing themselves, and so personalities come through, along with words and other things.

So when a group 3 male dolphin asked me on that February day in 2016, "Will you marry me?", we weren't actually standing face to face… the dolphin group was somewhere out in the water, and the water was cold… and I had seen the "flashes of fins" that showed me the dolphins were nearby…

At first, I thought I had misunderstood. "Did one of you just ask me to marry you?" I asked. (I just wanted to be sure.)

Now just so that you understand, I am writing this now because there are ways of responding, and apparently, I didn't get it very right at all the first time. But since I have continued to receive additional marriage proposals, I thought I'd better make sure I'm getting it right. So I'm learning what the correct "etiquette" is, and I just wanted to pass that on here. (After all, you never know… it might be helpful information one day!)

You see, they aren't asking for a single-mate marriage.
"Will you marry me?" is actually asking:
"Do you need help?
Would you like a powerful male who is bigger than you are, to care for you, and provide protection?"
(This is the general idea… and with dolphins, they include "bigger"… however, seals don't need that criterion.)
I, of course, was visualizing a strong, handsome, helpful male (the dolphin says "Yes! I am that!")… but I also had the image of marriages like present-day humans, with a single mate, sharing a single home, sharing the same bed at night … with only the two of us in the bed, unless there's a child or baby snuggling in occasionally … and also an official wedding ceremony, with flowers, celebration, and more.

Of course, at that time, I didn't understand the dolphin version of "marriage" yet (i.e., it's a "request to protect"), so I thought I ought to describe just why I might not be able to marry the dolphin who was asking me… and who was expecting ONLY a "YES" answer.

Well first of all, there's that water thing, and the temperature of the water, especially in the wintertime… That would be a big deal. I couldn't imagine the dolphin being able to get around in MY home, and I wouldn’t be able to be at home in the water, so that was a pretty big thing.

Also, I had visions of a human mate, with two legs rather than a tail, and I thought that mating could bring a few complications, to say the least.

So I very politely indicated that I was flattered, and really touched, and that his offer was amazing beyond amazing… but that I would have to say "I won't be able to be that". (Those are their words coming through as I'm writing this… at the time, I thought I was simply declining, and I was SURE they would all understand.)

Not so… Apparently, it is a really big deal to be rejected (although I was absolutely sure I was not actually rejecting him!)

("I'm so sorry", I have to write, as I'm writing this now. "I completely didn't get it!")

Anyway, since then, there has been a sadness, because the group 3 dolphins didn't come back to the beach very often once the other dolphin groups came back for the summer.

You see, the group 3 dolphins had headed farther north, because that's where they usually go for the summer months. There had been many farewells around the time they left, and I had kept looking forward to seeing them again in the fall… but as it happened, when they came back, the other dolphins weren't letting them in the vicinity, because they were sure they didn't "qualify" yet… they needed to learn a few new things first, before they would be allowed near me.

Please understand that these dolphins have all been trying to protect me, and only those who "qualify" are allowed near me. If only I could communicate how very touching this is… the huge caring that I feel from them… (including my whales, too, of course, because they also have been there helping me so many times.)

Anyway, apparently, had I used the correct etiquette to respond to the marriage proposal, the group 3 dolphins would have been welcome!

So, over the past year and more, there have been additional marriage proposals. Several seals, at different times and in different locations on the west coast, have also asked "Will you marry me?"  Again, I have been honored to have them ask me, but I asked them to understand that it might not work so well.

(A marriage with a seal would have been quite different than a marriage with a dolphin… the seals are very soft and I can only describe them as "sweet", and they are willing to have a lot more monogamy than the dolphins as well! The female seals are happy and contented, and say their mate is loving… and they tell me that they are together "for life"… and they mean only themselves… these are the harbor seals in the area where I am… "There are other mating wisdoms for others," they indicate.)

These last proposals were recent, so I am finally asking "What is the right etiquette?"

I went back to the first dolphin male who asked me to marry him.

I went back to the first dolphin who asked me to marry him, and asked him how I could have responded differently.

The answer seems to be similar for the dolphins and also the seals.

The better, happier, answer would have been something like:
"Why yes! Of course! You are strong! Thanks for your assistance."
… followed with another question… "But would it be okay if I went THAT way then, rather than this other place you will be moving through?"
… and then they accept, and they are okay.

The energy of the seals is here as I am writing this, and they are very soft, so kind, and generous, and to me, they seem to be always grinning.

Had I responded with the correct etiquette to the very first marriage proposal I received from the first dolphin, then my group 3 dolphins would have been allowed to be near the beach throughout the summer, last year.

So let me write a few little words here, about that dolphin: I may end up writing more another time, but for now, he says he loves the name "Mario", as the only dolphin (to date) who has asked me to "marry" him, so I'll call him Mario.

He is actually quite young, it seems, as he was born in April of 2008, or thereabouts, so he would have been almost 8 years old last Feburary. I think that's pretty young… (and he adds here, "and exciting… to be the ONE who asked… that's my idea.")

… and as of now, the other groups have decided to accept the group 3 dolphins. Apparently with my "yes" (finally!), the others have allowed them near again, although at this point, I am no longer living there. (Go figure!)

My other Virginia Beach dolphins acceded because "Now we see that they (that other group) are willing to protect you as well, so they may be there."

I am sad, because I didn't understand at the time why my group 3 dolphins weren't able to be there last summer or fall… and I kept on hoping they would stay for a while, but most of the time when they arrived, they preferred to be extra-quiet and gave me a "Shhhhhhh…" signal, for "We're trying to be hidden, so they others won't see us here."

Understanding, finally, makes a big difference!

By the way, the whales say they wouldn't be asking me to marry them, as the size difference is just a bit too much. (One or two them have apparently thought about the idea though…)

(published 08/01/2018)
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   06/21/2017  ~  An interesting excerpt


An interesting excerpt

This is an excerpt from my whale journal with the 6/21/2017 date on it, which ended up telling (summary version) some of the dolphin journals that I haven't yet had a chance to write and publish.

It's a little taste of what is yet to come, although the entries will be added with dates from September 2016 through to June 2017… so this summary will eventually be sequentially later than the original entries… At the moment, I'm doing my best to just get the information out there, in whatever way I can… there is SO much more yet to come!

I also included a note that for today, I'll be writing in the first person for a bit, because what I wanted to share was important, and so I needed to put it out there "as is". (I usually write in the third person to let "them" speak through the words that I write…)

Here's the excerpt:

It begins with the dolphins… and… oh god… I have some really amazing journal entries that you will want to read.

Please accept for now, that they have concepts like "the baby arrived" … like parents used to tell their children… "the stork brought the baby"… except that even that mamas didn't have a clue that they are pregnant and that their babies come from inside of them.

There is a "The Birds and the Bees" conversation that I had with the dolphins, back on September 28, 2016. It all began in the most innocent way, when two female dolphins "jumped" together. One was Hope, a dolphin I already knew by name, and the other was a 5-year female dolphin.

This other 5-year old dolphin had a lovely, sweet, full-of-life energy, and chose the name "Adventure", but she did ask if the name was okay, because "it may not fit anymore after she becomes a mother. It takes a lot of energy," the dolphins showed me, "to be a mother."

… and, Hope and I began questioning Adventure's age… "Did we get it right?" …(they don't know exactly, so I help them to figure it out).

You see, by age five, many female dolphins (area-specific at least to the east-coast bottlenose dolphins) already have a child, and Adventure didn't.

So being curious, I began wondering if there were physiological reasons for Adventure not yet having a baby. "Have you been through the mating routine?" I asked… and yes, she had. But no baby.

Hope, and Adventure… and ALL of the other dolphins in the area, didn't understand why I asked the question, and what the connection was, between mating, and having a baby.

Here, I have to explain another piece that I only just learned this spring. "Having a baby" doesn't translate to "birthing" a baby. It means, simply having a baby come near you, and being the mom for it. (There will be more about "the Birds and the Bees" conversation in time… I'll get that out there eventually too, but it began with a discussion of the egg.)

I have asked the same question many times, and in as many ways as I can, and the answer is always the same. They "did not know." (their words).

Birthing season for my dolphins on the east coast is usually from early April through to almost mid-June, according to what they shared this year… but this year, for the first time, it was very different for all of them.

In the past, the time of year "When babies arrive" has been what they describe as "a time of constant questions", and something that one might describe as "voodoo".
Females who are "fat" and need to stay fed… ("why do they keep eating?")
Tummy aches… and blood… but where did that come from?
… and babies simply often "showing up".
"Whose baby is that, which just happened to be there…?" they would ask, until one says "I'll have that one." (Those are their words.)

(Apparently the usually get it right, and it's the baby's mama who takes the role of mother for her child…but they say occasionally have a time where they don't know which one it is… "except that the baby seems to figure it out," they say.)
"There are also dead babies, and who put them there?" (their words… and they are very agitated as they ask this!!!)
… and then, there are also "A few female dolphins who disappeared. Not there." (Also not nice… agitated.)

I've asked many times, "Don't you see the baby being born? The little dolphin coming out?"

But they are very puzzled by this, and as for seeing, "It wasn't 'polite' to have anything unusual near the body", so read that as
"Everyone politely ignores things that might be different (like the beginning of a new dolphin coming out of a mom)"…
They indicate "That wouldn't be easy, so it can't be," and they ignore it. (A baby dolphin coming out from the mom.)
From their perspective, it "would be foolish to believe that a whole, entire baby might fit through any place"
… they mean, "even if there COULD be a baby inside a bit of anatomy to see the size, how would it be in the water?" i.e., "there's nowhere big enough for a baby to come out from inside, so it cannot be."

Keep in mind as well, another piece I may not have written about yet, is that many of these species (dolphins, beaked whales, and many others), don't actually see with their physical eyes the same way we do. They have described it as "seeing patterns", but not the physical. It's not really like seeing "energy", or even "chakras", or anything that I can describe, but it IS like "sensing" (i.e., instinct… and seeing those things [patterns] that are helpful, and avoiding others).

It is this that "makes it 'polite' to 'not see' the unusual things." (their words… the dolphins.)

They have always been very relieved when July comes, and the babies are safe, and there are no more "weird things happening."

So, having discovered this, back in September last year, I have found the same thing to be true (with all of the whales and dolphins). Period. No exceptions.
… there will be more!!!

(published 06/29/2017)
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   07/10/2017  ~  ''It even looks hungry!'' they say


"It even looks hungry!" they say

This is about the one single tour boat that they have traditionally hidden from… The Rudee Rocket!

Today, I was (finally!) writing up my notes to tell one of my very favorite days with the dolphins… "That Man!" (see the dolphin journal for 9/10/2016)

There were many reasons for them to avoid this boat, the Rudee Rocket, according to them… previously… but today, I finally looked at a front-on picture of it: https://www.rudeetours.com/our-fleet/rudee-rocket/

… and their first response was "It even looks hungry!", followed by laughter, as they understood what the main reason was that they used to hide from it.
"Now we see," they say.

"It looks like a shark that is out to eat"
(I am able to show them many things on the computer, and somehow, no matter where I am, they "gather" information. They have often asked me to use my camera and video camera just to show them a "picture". They can't see it through my eyes, or my awareness, but when it's a computerized version, pixel-by-pixel, they can see it. Something like that…)

So today, as I looked at the photo of the Rudee Rocket, they asked to connect, and were aware of "what humans have done (to tease)" (their words).

If you click on the link, you'll see that the boat is bright yellow, and it has a shark's face painted on the front of it, complete with what looks like an opening for a mouth, with lots of sharp white teeth with a red-painted tongue inside! Even the eyes are there.

They are "so well-adjusted" to "people" and "mirth" (their words), because they've been hanging out with me for a long time now (my words), and they "must enjoy people", like their "sense of time".

That last sentence was their way of letting me know that they've noticed something like "Joy's west-coast mammals" have learned… that many things are "right away there"… by following a time, we know to look in the stars."

I kind of have trouble following their words, but I know what they're referring to… Over on the west coast, here among the Gulf Islands, and other areas in the vicinity, everyone needs to use "ferries" to go places, and the boats have a schedule… "and the boat WILL leave on time, even if you didn't get there…" (they know, "from Joy's trying hard to be there early", they indicate… as I sit here laughing while I'm writing this. They are sweet, beyond words!)

Anyway, they are all learning to understand that almost NOBODY (or "no BIG THING") (i.e., boats in general) will come after them, and that they each know how to tell the vibes of the various boats, and understand "time" as the boat will already know which stars are in the heavens at the time it must cross". (Think "ferry schedules", and you'll know what they refer to… the movement of the stars.)

For me, this brings a question, because although people know the stars are there, most of us wouldn't know how to tell our way, or even time, by the stars (unless maybe you're an astrologer). We can't even imagine where the stars are positioned or moving in the daytime, because all we see is sunshine and blue skies. (Someone is saying "I know…!" here on the west coast… it's a very sweet "young lady", a seal… who is maybe still only a month or so old…)

Anyway, the general consensus (among "ALL of us"!) is "Why aren't you using this?"
Maybe we are using something that is based on the stars, and that's what our "clocks" refer to, but we need our man-made devices to see what time it is… (Cell phone, anyone?)

I'm trying to figure out how they "know", but they indicate that it's "inborn"… they "must know."

I understand that, but it's the "vision" thing again… i.e., "what do the physical eyes see, and how can the 3-D information translate a "picture" to the brain, if the stars aren't visible at a given point in time?

They still don't follow. (This is happening as I'm writing. They can't comprehend why I'm asking this, or even "what does that mean that 'you don't see them'?")

Somehow, they do see them, even though the sky is (to me), "blue".
"And if it's cloudy?" I ask… and it's the same thing. They see the stars.

However, when I ask, "If it's raining?"… then they can't understand the time, and that's probably why everything hides away on "miserable" days, when there is stormy weather, or even just heavy pelting water, which comes as what people will know as "rain".

Wow! A whole new "nother" piece of something that we take for granted. How can we presume to begin to understand what is happening in nature?

(I do have another sweet story to tell, about one day when I "needed" to travel… by boat… ferry… and I'd been hoping to connect with whales, possibly, during the 1½ hour crossing… but they indicated it "wouldn't be"… Now I understand better!)

Anyway, back to the Rudee Rocket! All of the above was by way of the dolphins letting me know that they've been "paying attention" and are realizing that more often than not, the "tour boats" (they are showing me they've applied it well, to the "plural" tour boats!) follow a timeline, more or less. ("Not nearly as on-time as for a ferry", they show me.

Since I'm no longer in Virginia Beach, my dolphins are taking this in on a different wavelength than if I were there in-person, standing on the beach and talking with them… or rather, laughing with them about this.

About the Rocket boat:
"We know. It is fun, as well, with heavy energy gone."
So since they thought the energy (?) of the front of the boat looked just like a hungry shark, I'm asking here about the "seeing" thing, and the "patterns" they have told me they see and comprehend, much more than physical eyes translating the image…

But at this, there is extreme anxiety on their part.
"With a shark, you don't underestimate" when it's near (depending on the shark, they indicate).

With this one, "It's fierce."
They continue:

"The patterns must vibrate just like the shark", is what they are thinking, based on their new awareness of "visual habits"…
… but also, maybe I haven't said this very much yet, but the young ones "see" for maybe close to their first year, before they adjust to the "expectations" of the steady (mature) dolphins.
"The young ones don't like this (the Rudee Rocket boat), and they are giving out fears, and we adjust and learn."
However, as I put this out there, asking if the young ones "see" the image on the boat, the answer is not "yes", but they do recognize "sharp white"… i.e., the teeth.

And now, they can play again. They are around enough others (they mean boats!) "to know what it will be".

They indicate "We'll see. Our eyes figure out new things, and the front of this angry boat is for play."

I only wish that this had been kind for them all along… and as I went to that thought, they are saying that as well. "It was not easy".

Often, when the Rudee Rocket slowed down or was just drifting, often they would realize it's just people (what they used to believe was "people-dolphins"), and might come close again.

One of the other reasons they didn't like the boat was because it was "angry". (I was trying to write "loud"… like REALLY noisy…, but the substituted their own language. I guess when it slows down, it's no longer "menacing" … again, their choice of word.)

… and the other big reason that they avoid it, is because the propeller blades have caused injuries to many of them over several years, and for most, they don't live, or put it another way, "must be pushed away" (because they have blood, and blood will bring the very thing "we are worried about with this boat… sharks.")

With time, though, they are "learning"… "at least those who know Joy, of a way to learn."
"Which direction is the noise?… and if it's near, then go away."
"Get away from the direction the noise is going into".
These are their words… and I say "Wow! You guys are doing well!"… and I can feel that they are pleased, and proud."

(I miss them! Oh my, how often do I wish that I might be there with them, just to see them and talk again… and have them come "splashing" by, as they must do more of during the summer months again. However, I also know I'm exactly where I must be… and I'm looking forward to making the acquaintance of more in-person whales, in time… and they [the dolphins] know that's correct, for them as well. "It will be nice, when you see whales, like you call us.")

They say they can't avoid this Rocket boat, though, because it's too fast (and large, so a bit deeper than other fast boats), and they don't "see where it is, because it moves easily another way" (i.e., swerves often… Now they understand, though, based on the Rocket's description… it's so the tourists have their "thrill ride").

I wish there was a way to get past this… something simple that we might understand, that would help them to be safe. Maybe we'll find something together.

(published 07/10/2017)
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   07/13/2017  ~  My new Nova Scotia friends


My new Nova Scotia friends

Lately, I've also been connecting with a group of dolphins who live near Nova Scotia, Canada.

Why Nova Scotia? Because somehow, my group 1 dolphins are part of their family.

My group 1 dolphins have always shown me that their "home" WAS Nova Scotia, except that in the "cold time of year", they seem to have migrated down as far as Charleston and Savannah, Georgia.

My group 1 dolphins were the first ones who found me, thus the "group ONE" label! (They describe it more or less as that they liked the energy enough to continue being there … it was all about the "vibes" in the beginning… and that was long before we found a way to connect with actually bigger conversations… but they indicate that I did "talk" with them. Those would have been more "about vibes" conversations, than explorations of who they are.)

They say they "immediately went to Virginia Beach and saw the space" (something to do with the vibes)
"and decided to hang out there"
(that's their current-day vocabulary!), and now they no longer keep going back to Nova Scotia. (I assume that they passed through the VB coastal area when they were migrating, and decided to "detour" for a few years.)

So through these group 1 dolphins, I have an ability to connect with the group 1 dolphins in Nova Scotia who are related to some of my Virginia Beach Group 1 dolphins.

I know several of my (VB) group 1's by name…
We have Mystery, who is the "provider" dolphin for the group

… and there's Theo, who likes to make up "sequences" (and designed a "dolphin show for me after I helped many of their type through Hurricane Matthew)

… and there's another really special young lady, James, who was first named Picasso, who I hope to have time to write about, one of these days! … (it's just that they keep me busy with the new stories, that the original entries may just have to wait even longer…)
Anyway, I've been connecting with a few of these Nova Scotia ladies (dolphins) as they've begun their birthing season lately (much later in the summer than the more southerly dolphins).

On this day, I was asking about how the births are going, and whether anyone needed any special attention. One of them indicated that several in the group were "not okay" (with a BIG emphasis on that), as
"they didn't accept their young ones yet."
This is my challenge in being able to connect with some of these groups only in bits and pieces… I simply only get little windows of time, mostly when I head outdoors for my walks.

What they showed me is that they are asking to be able to "express".
"It must be something. It can't be everything other than."
To translate here: They're trying to begin to accept births, and that brings "sore".

So here, I have a short interlude. I've already written than almost universally, animals don't accept that they give birth. It's a new concept for them.

So my dolphins are expressing something very new for them:
 "Why must they come when we're SORE?" so… "We don't like you."

That comes by way of the lovely deer on the island where I currently am, and their NEW awareness that "the babies might often see being here but only if I brought it." (They also have been in the process of bringing their young into the world… in June.)

The new-mother deer were always mad at the young ones, and what they asked me was
"They always come when I'm hurting. I can't take care of them then. Why didn't they see to come when I'm feeling fine?"
Now they (a few of the deer here nearby) understand that the babies come through them,
"so there will be extra things the body is happening", they say.
… and therefore, they will always "happen to be hurting when their young ones come into the world". Now they understand, and they ask
"How else could it be?"
These deer are quite intelligent… (They are the ones understanding even our grammar, or that a question is "asking" and not "saying"!)

Anyway, they got this idea really quickly! … and with understanding, they are content and will "give the young ones 'a happy time'."

Anyway, it was my Nova Scotia dolphins becoming aware of "why do they come when I'm hurting?", that this new idea for them comes from (of not "liking them… yet.") (They're quick to add "yet" here.
I think they just needed some reassurance, and maybe a few more explanations yet.)

I suggested that they'll soon be adoring their babies, and teasingly said that if they want to get mad at someone, to express themselves directly to those who brought the babies… the "daddies".

But there's another new concept happening for them, because gave them another "idea"… and they begin to get it. They say,
"The young ones are the 'new' thing, and they will be the next."
That's "the generation" thing. Today's babies are tomorrow's new generation… those who will be the mature dolphins, and "let's make it nice." They love this idea, and quickly shift.

They are "a group" and
"individuality hasn't even seen."

"Whatever is, is."

"Those who decide are there. We don't ask."
So you can imagine what they must be going through.
I can feel it, and there's a lot of "due diligence" happening. (I was using that phrase just yesterday!)

Someone is busy, and the water is slowly going around.
(water is churning, wheels are turning… "cogitating"… however you'd like to put it!)

All that, because this is a whole new concept for them… another one. Their first attempt at putting their own words to this came out as
"How I mean to be" is "what you are being".
They're aware that "how a young one is treated means they won't be shy later." (I'm trying to interpret, but they keep adding their own words!!!)

Let's try again… meaning, that
"how anyone is perceived by others, determines how they behave later."
Again, they provided those words. How very amazing.

What a journey! They are taking in so much, so quickly!

So back to this "hurting" thing, when the babies come through:

Somehow, this has given them a new awareness, or concept, that "Sore" is okay.
They were adamant earlier, to show no sign of discomfort.
"We must not accept any who have pain."… (They are saying this almost with clenched teeth.)
They are now amending right here, that that was in the past.
"Joy was aware that pain is a nice thing." (They're trying different words here… "nice", then "comfortable", trying to adjust.)

I had explained that pain is often helpful, especially acute or rather short-term pain … it sometimes indicates that something is off… and to "pay attention." I'm not quite sure, yet, just why they would have those ideas about pain, and not accepting it.

However, pain through childbirth is one of the things that I had talked about with my Virginia Beach dolphins sometime before I left, as I stood on the shore, and we were aware that birthing time would soon be coming.

I explained how women (people) are not only allowed to "make noise" when giving birth, but that calling out, or moaning, or making noise through a contraction might be a way to help the pain, and to get through it. (That, and breathing or panting through it, and that the pain is so intense, that there is almost always someone there with the birthing mom, possibly a spouse, helping her to remember how to breathe, and helping her through the pain and the birthing process.)

So they became aware that it's okay to let others know you're giving birth.

These are my words here… Can you imagine going through something as painful as childbirth, and denying that you're experiencing "discomfort"? Oh my god!

Given that childbirth goes about as high on the pain scale as pain can go, that's pretty profound.

They "are grateful" (the Virginia Beach dolphins), and "this summer, we knew it was okay."
"It was an idea" to "let us experience something, to say we could make noise."
They loved the idea that they might let others know
"that they are sore, and that it's maybe an opening expanding."
Trying to be quiet, though, wasn't the issue… it was more an acceptance that pain is part of the process, and should be expressed.
"It can give you 'a role', and you might become a new mother."
The fact that the pain is because of a miracle, is even more amazing… That brings such wonder.
(You should feel the "soft, melting" [maternal] energy here!)

(published 07/15/2017)
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   08/25/2017  ~  Hurricane Harvey and my new Texas dolphin friends near Port O'Connor


Hurricane Harvey and my new Texas dolphin friends near Port O'Connor

Today, I have taken on another "dolphin assignment."

Hurricane Harvey is currently in the Gulf of Mexico, and it was on the news this morning as I was listening to the radio. It seems that it may bring a pretty significant impact to Texas…

I immediately felt a connection with a few of the dolphins in the midst of the turmoil who were impacted. It felt like panic on their part, and I could feel their stress levels being very high.

Having had some very real experience with dolphins through two hurricanes in Virginia Beach last fall, I immediately understood what they were experiencing.

One or two of the dolphins wanted to connect with me. Interestingly enough, they are younger dolphins, and that also doesn't surprise me… based on my past experience!
The younger ones know enough to ask questions, and are still able to adapt much more, just like younger people.
These were the 3 and 4 year olds, both female. (That part DOES surprise me, because traditionally, it's almost ALWAYS the males who do the initial interacting… they need to protect their tribe, after all!)

So I've spent much of my morning trying to give them a bit of initial information, and work with them a bit, to see if they might be able to relax a bit.

Are you thinking, "relax through a hurricane?"

Well, if you're a person and you're in your home while the storm is raging around you, chances are that you'll have 4 walls around you, and a computer or television set so you know what's going on, then you might help yourself to a cup of tea, and do something other than "sit and worry about the hurricane."

So it's obviously a little bit different for the dolphins, since they're in the middle of it all, but IF they have enough "info", then they can begin to treat the entire experience differently.

I did write about Hurricane Hermine (dolphin journal entries 9/3/2016 and 9/4/2016), so if you've read that, you'll get a quick idea. I haven't yet had a chance to publish my notes from the far bigger hurricane, Matthew, which went through in early October, but there were some pretty significant events around that which helped the dolphins to make it through the storm "like champs".

That began a brand new era, at least for the Virginia Beach dolphins. Some of them are busy at the moment taking some time here and there to do some "storm drill" exercises! (Hurricane-preparedness, if you will!)

So, because I've already been through hurricanes with other dolphins, and I've stood on the beach in the middle of the hurricane, and even went into the water in the peak of the action, I have an idea of what these Texas dolphins are going through. Once I've connected a new series of ideas with any one group, it's much faster to "broadcast" the concepts to another dolphin, or whale, or whoever it is that wants to know something.

The first thing was to reassure these two Texas dolphin girls that they (or their group) haven't done anything worthy of being pushed out of their area, i.e.,
"there is NO ONE BIG THING that is angry."
So it's giving them the visuals of a hurricane, and how its' actually just "weather", and how we (people) already know about it long before the event (usually)…

Understanding brings great big relief, and they are able to connect with that, because others (other dolphins) already know it.

You see, last hurricane season, my Virginia Beach dolphins had doubts, but they decided to try a new way, and they broadcast that
"the new way (staying close to their usual area) was just the same, that it went past."
Previously, they
"would have tried to try to stay ahead of the big waves, and to find somewhere where the water might be kind…"
racing up the coast, and then later, figuring that they
"must have been smart to do that, because it ended."
It's these new Texas dolphins whose home base is somewhere near Port O'Connor, who were providing the words above. They're coming through hesitantly, although they are
"finding their way to checking around and seeing if it's okay to try the same thing."
This is a few of the more steady, male dolphins (also fairly young, like 4 years old), coming through now,
"understanding many new things."

"Internet!", they exclaim. "Now we can see the day ahead, for it's well charted."
So they learn and understand that there's nowhere else that they could possibly go where the water will be calm, and there's nothing they need to do to try to bring peace. (Nobody who is angry that they need to try to relieve the stress of.)

Knowing this, immediately brings much more calm. Earlier, it was just the two young girls trying to find a way to "broadcast" this to the others, and now, there's much more stability, because as I write, they find more of the original energy from Virginia Beach.

I want to backtrack for a moment… back to some of my earlier-today interactions with the two younger dolphin girls. The moment they knew they could relax, and there is another idea that I haven't yet written much about, but it's related to "letting go" and not trying to keep
"dreading the next onslaught of hurricane violence" (the huge thrashing thunderous waves that aren't waves at all)…
… but rather,
"allowing the waves to keep on crashing and not care" … (my "dead man's float" that I practiced with my Virginia Beach dolphins last September)
They must have tried it out, because I immediately got a "Wheeee!!!!!!".…. like "Hey, this must be some fun!"  (like riding a lovely gentle roller coaster)!

They (these two) are delighted. It broke the stress entirely, and it's "soft" (that's one of their most-used words meaning that something is gentle, or kind, or just simply fine.)

As I write this, the young MALE dolphins are there trying to hold propriety, and being really hesitant to try this out, lest "others think they're silly"… but they decide to go for it, and they're
"resting, no longer struggling". (i.e., relaxing doing something like a deadman's float).

"What an idea", say a lot of them, now.
(Aren't you proud of those lovely two young girls who thought to try to connect, even when it wasn't within their previous set of experiences?!!!)
There were a few other ideas that I broadcast, and which they appreciated.

One is the idea of
"Where are you?" … and "WHO is 'you'?"
"… is every single one of us 'accounted for'?"
Most of the dolphins I've connected with are used to their groups, but don't count their individuals. Not one (Texas) dolphin could begin to say "I know each and every one of those who are with me today",  but as I'm writing this, many of my OTHER dolphins… and whales… let me know that they are
"remembering to see who they are around every day".
The short version of this is to make smaller groups within the main group, like maybe 5 dolphins who can learn to know each other and know right away if one or another of them "isn't around".

(My added note… the groupings that happen most naturally happen via DNA, i.e., dolphins who are somehow related to each other… but these dolphins are new to connecting with me and don't have an idea about "families" yet).

(However, as I write that, I can feel that "someone is checking to see what others might understand…")

The "where are you" part of the idea uses a technique I quickly adapted during Hurricane Matthew last year, which is something akin to "coordinates"… and while they certainly wouldn't know the "numbers" for their coordinates, it would look something like putting the little blue dot on your map on your GPS or phone…
"I am here… you are there… now I know which direction to go in to find you."
You see, the "side effect" of "relaxing and riding the waves" means that they can't stay together as a group… and that's always one of their most important things, as well as one of the biggest challenges, during big storms… staying together. Generally, any who can't keep up with the group, wouldn't have had much of a chance to "make it on their own"… but this new system changes all of that, even though they may drift apart.

We (my dolphins!) had a MUCH greater survival rate through Hurricane Matthew last year, DESPITE the very large waves and choppy water. The survival rate was greater than anyone would ever have thought, especially given that it was one of the REALLY big hurricanes. (Hurricane Matthew was a category 4, moving down to category 3 only shortly before Virginia Beach).

It was actually a bigger survival rate than through more of the smaller (previous) hurricanes,
"ever before, and much less stressed, and more productive quickly thereafter", is what the Texas dolphins are seeing…
… and they seem to be "in wonder" over this…
simply amazed that "this was the only different thing" (the playing in the waves).
The other big helpful thing these dolphins were able to learn quickly and easily, was something else that is new, that I haven't yet written about, but it's about their navigation systems.

During big storms, they don't have any access to "where they are", because their systems are based on knowing the patterns of the stars above… which somehow, they know how to feel, even when it's broad daylight… but the big winds more or less knock that system out.

Now that I understand this, I'm able to find a way to help them learn about the "Magnetic North", i.e., the idea of our gridlines, and how we have a simple device, namely "a compass", which works even in the darkest storms, when THEIR networks are "down".

They have to learn to re-orient, because their system uses "East" as their guideline (i.e., movement of the earth every day, going a full circle around… and somehow, they use the motion in relation to the stars and other planets to understand direction).

So I have learned to have them lie face down in the water, head facing to the "north" (as they learn to feel the "magnet in the earth"), tail facing south, and one fin points to the east (and they get this, although it helps if they've been able to practice it when the weather is fine and they can feel their own east-based navigation system), and the other fin points to the west… and then they can "interpret" where they are…
they "just turn around their body and face east", is what I was just given by a whale! (…a young one, of course!... they adapt so quickly!)

The dolphins, also, "will use this technique now."
My note in ending this today:
You'll probably hear more from me another time about their navigation system, and how a simple change can vastly help so many of them in today's world… but I'll leave that for another day.

Right now, there would be yet more to write and share, as usual, but I don't have the time.

I always do my best to hold a space with whoever needs it (dolphins and whales), as I also did through the eclipse a few days ago (August 21). Today, this was also important.

My biggest limitation is time. Usually, I only have a bit of time on Sundays for my connections, because I need to focus my time on earning money so that I can HAVE the time to help them more… earning money, and trying to find ways for people to learn about my DNA and medical intuition work in order to attract new clients for that, so that I can begin having a more stable and reliable income base.

You can always help to support my time with "my friends" (the whales and dolphins), by referring clients to me, or by scheduling a consultation or two for yourself, as that provides the income I need, which frees up time then to support the whales and dolphins.

My DNA & Health-related website is http://www.dna-dimensions.com.

Thank you for holding the space of helping me to be able to help the whales and dolphins more easily.

~ Joy
(published 08/25/2017)
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   07/05/2018  ~  My first dolphin pod on the Washington coast


My first dolphin pod on the Washington coast

It's a very long time since I've published any dolphin or whale journals. (I'm still intending to publish my journals from 2016 and 2017 as time allows… there are MANY more!)

I've been on the west coast now since April 2017, but this July 4 week of 2018 has been my first real interaction with a pod of dolphins on the west coast. Finally! Oh what a treat that was!   

It wasn't for lack of trying on my part… You see, from  April to October 2017, I was living (temporarily) on Salt Spring Island, British Columbia, Canada, but the dolphins don't seem to hang out around there, although I did make a small connection with a single dolphin pair.

And then, since November of last year, I've been in Sequim, Washington, and have slowly found my way to the two nearby beaches where the dolphins and whales might come… but they don't seem to hang out enough in the area. Somehow, dolphins, whales and I need MOVEMENT… wide open ocean with the real waves, in order for my energy to move enough to attract them. The nearby beaches are more like lake-water… far too quiet for them to come just to connect. The closest wide-open ocean beaches are 2+ hours away, and so far, I had only made it to one of those… just once… and that was an un-planned visit.

It also seems that I need to be somewhere around the big wide open ocean for several days in a row, in order for "my friends" to begin finding me.

Please understand that I have continued connecting with many of my dolphins on the east coast, even though I'm no longer there in-person. Their amazing connections allow us (them) to connect, even at a distance. Most significantly, these dolphins have now been through 2 seasons of births with me, and last year, I was honored to be able to continue connecting with them to help them through that, as they began to understand more and different techniques to use, based on "understanding how humans have invented ways to make childbirth easier"... (Those are all their thoughts and ideas, but that's all they're allowing me to write about this just at the moment. Hopefully, one day, I'll find some time to backtrack and write about some of their experiences.)  

So this past week, over the July 4 holiday, I was fortunate enough to spend a week at a beach house on the beach… at the open ocean! Finally!

I arrived on Monday, and despite the freezing cold water along with air temperatures only in the 60's (fahrenheit), I was determined to go swimming while I was there… That's a way faster way to find my connections with any local dolpins or whales than simply by standing on the beach… so freezing or not, I WAS going in! On Tuesday afternoon, dressed in my purple fleece-lined long underwear, I went in.

I was the ONLY one in our beach house who was brave enough to do that… and for that matter, I hadn't seen anyone else nearby going in beyond the shallow wading-level water. I went out way farther, as I wanted to really swim and jump chest-high waves!

The water was numbingly cold, and nothing like the Virginia Beach ocean water would be in June. Maybe it was as cold as it was in early December when I stopped going into the Virginia Beach ocean…

Today was the third and last full day we're here. I had been going in for over half an hour every day, swimming, jumping waves, riding the waves, and "connecting". Thank God for the hot tub back at the beach house, where I would arrive with chattering teeth shortly after getting out of the ocean, where I could warm up again…

Anyway, this afternoon, I was in the water, swimming, and finally, as it was our last day, two other people decided to brave the cold and get into the water. Wow! They actually did okay...

Later in the afternoon, the weather cleared up and it became sunny and a bit warmer. My friend decided to go swimming AGAIN! This time, a few bets later, someone else also came along. I stood on the beach and watched, having already been chilled enough for one day...

I HAD been connecting with dolphins and whales while I was there… but I hadn't actually "seen" any, although there is a whale (a humpback) who says I DID see her… I can always FEEL the energy though, and I knew that the information was correct, even though I hadn't consciously seen her.

There is SO much ocean, and if the whales are farther out, and just coming up for a breath of air, you may never know that you've seen them… although sometimes you might catch just a glimpse of that "whale spout", even when they're intending to stay hidden. Back in March 2017, as I was taking the Kingston Ferry across to the NW Peninsula, I saw a whale "spout", and when I excitedly exclaimed I had seen it, the young gray whale who had just taken a breath indicated rather sheepishly that maybe she hadn't done as great a job of hiding as she thought…

So this afternoon, as I was standing on the beach watching my friends swim and ride the cold waves, I checked with a pod of dolphins I had been connecting with nearby.... and then I tried something I had been doing regularly in Virginia Beach: I indicated where I was, and then I asked which direction they were and how far out they were...

They responded! They indicated that they were about 15 minutes out and just a little bit farther north from where I was, and they said they were finding their way towards me. A short while later, I was aware that they were nearby. I didn't see them, although I kept looking...

Then, the dolphins told me that I had seen them! … and I could FEEL it! Even though I didn't see them physically, I knew we had made contact.

When the guys got back to the beach house after their long-ish swim, they were greeted with excitement. Several people had been watching from the balcony, and they said that there were two pods of dolphins out there, about 100 to to 150 ft out further out, directly in line from where the guys had been swimming.

According to the people who watched from the balcony, the dolphins stayed around for the rest of the time my friends were in the water... They must have come in exactly as they said, arriving about 15 minutes after we got to the beach.

Wow! So they really were there! "Exactly!", the dolphins said. I just hadn't seen them. They did clarify, however: ONE pod, two groups…

You might like to know just a bit about these dolphins, so let's start with the name they would use to refer to their pod… They say it is "Wide Horizons"!  

Of course! Every time I have asked a dolphin pod if they have a name for their group, they have responded with "Wide Horizons"! ... at the least the ones I've connected with so far.

As usual, it was a male dolphin who made the first connection. This dolphin would be "Provider"… that is the name that he is indicating for himself.

Now this is something that I know more about, and just haven't written yet… I've made a reference to a provider dolphin in my group 1 Nova Scotia dolphins, but didn't explain yet what it was about. There are a few very, very interesting ideas and more journal entries related to provider dolphins! Yes, there's even a story or two there…

For now though, just an ultra-short version: When I was first getting to know some of my Virginia Beach dolphins, and giving them names in order to simplify things a bit, one of the male dolphins, probably in my group 2 dolphins, gave me the name "Provider" as his name.

Then, one of the dolphins in my group 1 dolphins also said he wanted the name Provider… and then the same with one of my group 4 dolphins. (The group 3 dolphins weren't around at the time.)

Since we were looking for "unique" names, that wasn't going to work too well! You won't be too surprised to learn that these "Provider" dolphins were all the main "authority" dolphin for their group. They told me that it's the large, aggressive males who move up through the group to be a dolphin that would be labeled as "Provider".

As I learned a little later, there is also a great deal of intelligence and ingenuity in the dolphins who make it to "Provider".

All the other dolphins look up to their "Provider", and I can feel the pride of the group towards "Provider". I can also feel the sheer strength and solidness of each of the "Provider"  dolphins.

In the end, they agreed that they could use "Provider" as more of a role, or a title, and they created individual names for themselves.

I'm aware that there is sure to be great variations in dolphin cultures and customs depending on many things, such as the species of dolphin, the latitude and longitude they mostly call home, their migration patterns, the temperature of the water, the clarity of the water (i.e., visibility in Virginia Beach water is very low compared to waters in the Carribean…), and no doubt many more factors.

Just the same, despite the likelihood of other cultural differences, it would seem that the idea of the Provider dolphins is prevalent on both sides of this continent.

A little later, I put out the idea for them about "where the food might be"... offering to connect on the map on my phone to see if I might "know" where to find some for them… and they quickly directed me to my phone, so that I could show them! Yes, we found some, just a short way farther up the coast, and in a place that would be accessible to them.

Then they wanted to come back to my beach, and they wanted me to come down to the water for a short time, so that they could let me know they appreciated help... I didn't see them, but I could feel that heart connection with them so strongly… I could feel their gratitude.

A little while later, they let me know that they were where the food was and they were grateful! Apparently, food is not as bountiful as it might be, and they never know where they need to be in order to get their next meal, so they spend a lot of their time "searching". That's probably a pretty common theme, but just the same, it seems to be a significant subject for them. Maybe I'll learn more as I make more connections here on the west coast.

Now, a few days later (July 7) I'm back at home again and missing the movement of the big wide open ocean as well as being able to "feel" the dolphins. I'll keep going to the "quiet" beach nearby here and hoping to see more of the dolphins and whales. You never know…

(published 07/07/2018)
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   07/22/2018  ~  ''Yes, I'm male!'' he said


"Yes, I'm male!" he said

Today, I went to La Push beach, out at the open ocean.

Before I left, I already had reached out and found that there would be a "connection"… (the dolphins are writing the following with me… it's coming through in THEIR lingo!):
"A pod of something was sort of nearby, although farther out in the water", and I "asked if they might connect".
They meant that they weren't close to the shore at all...

Although I was looking at the map on my computer, we agreed on a sort-of-timeline, even though time was a "different thought" for them. Just the same, I knew we would try to connect when I got there. We didn't know for sure where the exact location would be, although there were several choices, as there are 3 La Push beaches, some distance apart. I have not yet been to beaches 2 and 3, and didn't know where I might end up when we got there.

It was a beautiful, warm summer day, but as we got close to the ocean, it was still very foggy, damp and chilly…

Once I got there, as usual, I reached out to check if there were any whales or dolphins nearby… and today, I was checking more for dolphins, as where I was was more beach-like, and it didn't feel as if there were often whales in that area… at least not close to the shore. It was a lovely long sandy beach but with many outcroppings of rocks in the water, so it would be easy to understand why whales don't end up there.

I ended up initially at beach #1, the beach that is closest to the town. The others were a little ways out of town, and a nature trail connected them to the road. Since it was a lovely summer day, the parking lots for beaches 2 and 3 were crowded and full…

I actually liked beach number 1, as it is frequented by the locals, and so has a steadiness… It also felt to me as if dolphins are frequently seen at this beach, and I "received" a connection with a group of dolphins…

I was able to "feel" the dolphin group… and later in the day, as I was writing this, I was getting that there may be more than one dolphin pod through that area.

I checked to see where they are, and they showed me that they were staying close to beach #2, as that was where I had shown them (from home, on the map), where I might end up. They were out a ways in the ocean though, and not really close to the beach.

They indicated that they were making their way towards beach #2, then following the shoreline around until they were at beach #1.

It was one of those situations where I haven't yet seen them, but there is a real connection there, and I know that as I intend to keep going back to this particular beach, this same group will connect more… especially if I can find a way to go into the water when I'm there! I didn't today, because it's frigidly cold, and I didn't have a long time at the beach, and this time, there was no hot tub to warm up in afterwards… I'll try again for another time. They were hopeful that I might end up coming in last-minute, as it "makes it nicer to feel each other", but I couldn't make it work this time…

We did have some interesting "ideas" together, however…

At one point, as I was thinking about going into the water, and thinking about how in Virginia Beach, my first real connection had come as I had been lying on my back, floating in the water and had felt the presence of a male dolphin connecting. He had "crossed my legs" to indicate a dolphin (one tail, not two limbs!)… and immediately, this La Push dolphin who was connecting with me did the same thing… he "pantomimed" crossing my ankles, and I got it, even though I was standing in the sand. I was grinning, and quickly looked around to make sure that nobody was watching, because my "conversations" with dolphins (or whales) that are not always physically present can be rather comical to watch!

I curiously asked if the dolphin who was connecting was "Provider", which was acknowldged with a deep sigh…
"You understand", meaning "Yes".
I had immediately assumed that because he felt like an adult male (and he's inserting the word "powerful" into the middle of that phrase, as I write!), that he might be the Provider dolphin for the group.

From what he indicates, he's somewhere in the "middle" of his term as Provider dolphin, I can feel that he is trying to figure out some of the other inside information I've learned about Provider dolphins.

We agreed that for now, I might call him La Push Provider, named for the La Push beaches.

It's interesting, but as he was adding the word "powerful" above, as in a "powerful male adult" … ("YES! I'm male!" he affirms), what I'm aware of is something that I've felt with more provider dolphins near Virginia Beach… it's a not-so-much-ruling-through strength as ruling-through-wisdom… through making good choices, with a dedication to making sure that everyone is listened to, in one way or another… as a leader would.

I've noticed a somewhat "softer" feeling with these provider dolphins than with other male adult dolphins (although La Push Provider, and any other provider dolphins tuning in here, are doing everything they can to indicate that it's not any lack of agression, or strength…).

However, in Virginia Beach, the provider dolphins had showed me how they would "take a sip" of mother's milk, from all the moms, as a sign of gratitude to them, for bringing the babies…

In here, I understood that somehow, the maternal hormones in the mother's milk brings with it that "softness".

I have a few hypotheses… You see, mother's milk has Oxytocin, which is a hormone of "connecting"… and from what I could figure out, it seems to have been a part of why the provider dolphins are just a little more "wise" and thinking. I think it's also possible that  milk also provides other extra nutrients that shift the brain chemistry and hormones, resulting in "something a little more" than the other dolphins, and increasing their leadership abilities. I'm not sure whether it has anything to do with more thought/decision-based (left-brained) behavior, rather than intuition-based (right-brained) behavior, but that could be another side-effect of the extra nutrients.

And La Push Provider indicates that yes, he has been doing that, going through the new moms and gratefully accepting a "nip" of the milk, expressing "happiness" he says.
… but it seems to be a NEW thing, and they all agree with this.  
From what I can understand, it's related to a "movement" that comes with family…
One day last summer, I was at this particular beach for a short time (maybe half an hour to an hour) with my family. My sister, my brother and his wife, and most of all, my dad were with me, and we all stood together on the beach.

What I've learned is that family makes our energy stronger and in my case, it amplified what I was carrying (in my aura) related to my whale and dolphin interactions in Virginia Beach…
… and that "moving field" remained, even after I had left.

So whichever beach I had gone to with my family would be the one where I would most quickly find the resonance of my Virginia Beach dolphins… Somehow, these La Push dolphins "got" a "download" of the new spaces that I have already connected through with my Virginia Beach dolphins.

Some things came easily, while others are still "unheard of through this dimension" (their words)… they mean on the west coast…

So, for example, the understanding of boats needed a few more explanations, but the Provider dolphins showing gratitude to the new moms by taking a "nip" of milk from them was intuitive, and didn't need any special practice, and it just "was"… and it seems to be something new they're doing since the previous summer when I was at this beach… an idea "caught" from the Virginia Beach dolphins.

They're also showing me they love to "jump" more than they used to do (and you should have SEEN my Virginia Beach dolphins that last summer and fall I was there!)

At one point shortly after my connection with La Push Provider, I could feel a lovely young female dolphin connecting… and La Push Provider agreed it was okay, and would be easier to "translate" everything… via this female. She feels very comfortable to me.

Generally, females dolphin and whales much easier for me to connect with, because there's that "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" thing, and we have much more in common with the females...

It's interesting, but later, when I was back at home, writing this on my computer, I could feel the "curiosity" of this young girl dolphin, and also an awareness of the idea of letters, as she began associating the words I'm using with the keyboard, and trying to figure out the letters… )  (Did I ever mention that my Virginia Beach dolphins wanted to spend time together understanding the idea of spelling of things, and number, counting…?)

Eventually, all the fog dissipated, and the sun came out, and the sky was blue… and I could see farther out the ocean, but the dolphins showed me they had "done a trick" and left the beach. They had been there earlier, somewhat nearby, but not close enough to see, although "they loved the thoughts of the surfers seeing them, because they were in the water."

(They're trying to tell me that they left because I had made a decision that I wasn't going to make it into the water, and so they didn't need to stay around.)

We continued to connect with ideas, just the same.

And sometime later, there was a fast-moving little fishing boat out in the ocean, and the dolphins were interested, but hadn't figured out yet that a boat is just an inanimate object.

I asked them what they do when a boat is near, and I was aware that they, like some of the other Virginia Beach dolphins, before understanding,
"put on our angry faces", and "It must be just the right thing, because we survive"
That's their own version…
"because we survive".
A little while later, I was asking my (human) friend about the possibilities of earth quakes and other natural disasters in the area. He explained about how the earth plates shift, and how this area is more prone to something like a tsunami than other many areas… and how about 400 years ago, there was one then.

My friend know a lot of history, so I was asked him whether he knew anything about how the indigenous people of the time would have explained such an event. He said that the elders of the current-day tribe indigenous peoples have passed down the stories, about how "the gods were angry, and caused a terrible vibration and a big huge wave"….

We know that their explanation was their best ability to understand it at that time, whereas today, there is "Science", and information, and technical discussions…

Sometimes ideas happen really quickly, I'll say here "with lightening speed", and I can't possibly write the conversation, because there's no "word-by-word" sequence, just instand "ideas."

My La Push dolphins were also "paying attention" as I sat on the beach and conversed with my friend.

In a quick flash of a moment, they came through saying, because they understood, quickly…
"No angry powerful gods then"...
From there, they also QUICKLY got the idea of what makes lightning (scientifically explanainable ideas), because thunder storms and lightning have been a big puzzle for them … and I could feel them making what they called "foolish dolphins grins", thinking that they have been upset (in days before today) because some god is upset….

They are laughing about this, and it's adorable… and they're even saying it's adorable!

They let me know that they are aware that there may be many other things "to wonder about"…
We (people-dolphins [humans]) seem to have answers "for many understandable things"
… meaning they believe there are things we don't have answers for… but then I understand that they're actually asking me to inform them about why there are "no-sun" days (cloudy or rainy days), and why so many there at LaPash… but that will be a conversation for another time. (This question is coming as I'm writing on my computer at home, and it's much easier to answer when I'm standing on the beach, with a much bigger connection with them.)

… and when I'm there in-person, any number of things can be explained as a ready-made "download", just like the information about lightning.

You see, the first one (dolphin, whale, pod, etc.) to understand something, for example any of the concepts that my Virginia Beach dolphins might have asked and learned about, for us together, it takes a bit of "gathering" of (they're using the words ions, electrons, particles, but the end result is an idea), but
that information can then be "gotten", just as a complete thought like a download, without needing to understand the information piece by piece…
It's sort of like a ready-to-go software program… but the first few explanations were the writing of the initial code plus all the many bug-fixes to fill in the gaps of missing code (information, mistaken ideas, interpretations, etc.).

The "software explanation" is the way that one very young (girl) dolphin was asking me to explain the situation…

The young dolphins are expressing an interest in the computer, it seems!!!

Sometimes I wish I knew what it feels like for THEM when they're connecting with me… and HOW they are perceiving our communcations… I do know that the young ones are the ones who come asking the questions.

I wish I had more time to connect these days, but I'm missing all of my beach-time and it's a long trek (a full-day excursion) to go to the open ocean. I really wish it were closer!

(published 08/01/2018)
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Mid-September 2016 to end of year
This set begins with one of my very favorite entries!
Please note: I had originally been writing all of my journal notes in the "third-person"... There came a point in our connection where the dolphins interacted with me as I was writing, and they began bringing through their own voices and expressions. They really are priceless! When I had initally tried writing in the first person ("I"), they saw it as intruding to interrupt, and so they didn't feel okay adding their own voices. NOW, I'm in the process of moving to the first-person narrative, and they "speak up" really easily now as I'm writing!
(Please note that you can also quickly skip to the next journal entry by clicking on the little arrow at the right of each entry … that will let you see just the titles at a glance.)

   09/10/2016  ~  ''That Man!''


"That Man!"

It's now July, 2017, and I'm FINALLY getting around to finishing my notes for this entry… and given that I've recently begun writing notes in the first-person narrative (beginning around June 2016), I'll continue with the first-person format here (and they'll still come through and add their own "version" to what I'm writing…)

This is one of my very favorite stories to tell!

The dolpins came through so very animatedly… "That Man!" was a really big concern for them! I've told it many times to various people, and more often than not, the response is the same… you should "video" a telling of this story!

So it begins with the Rudee Flipper. If you've every visited Virginia Beach, and gone on either a Dolphin tour, or a Whale tour, you may have ridden in the Rudee Flipper.

There are tour boats that the dolphins REALLY like, and others that are so-so, and one more that they actually hide from… (unless there are maybe lots of little kids on it, because they love playing, and children emanate a "playing" vibe. You can read about the boat that they hide from in my July 10, 2017 entry.) The Rudee Flipper was one they really liked, and it's because they "played" under it.

On this particular Saturday, I was on the beach having various conversations with my dolphins, when the Rudee Flipper toured in and stopped somewhere nearby so that all the tourists could see the dolphins.

This tourboat (and one of the others as well) would often stop nearby … quite regularly, like REALLY often! (With all the miles of oceanfront, they were nearby for a greater percentage of time than accounts for any given stretch of beach.) So maybe the dolphins liked being there… but also, the dolphins DID enjoy showing up for this particular boat.

Now the Rudee Flipper is a boat that is sort of like a catamaran, so there is a hollow space between the two sides of the boat, as in, the center is not a boat bow as most boats are, but rather, it's like a bridge. (See https://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1305&bih=853&q=rudee+flipper&oq=rudee+flipper&gs_l=img.3..35i39k1j0i24k1l4.1057.3412.0.3837.

The dolphins LIKE to swim inside of that space when the boat is stopped (or drifting), and they feel it's okay to play there. (This would be mostly my group 2 dolphins, but also the group 3 dolphins are expressing curiosity, apparently [July 2017, as I'm writing this].)

I had only recently been having actual "conversations" with the dolphins… probably that started in August when I began swimming in the ocean. (For all the years I had lived there, I had been too busy to go get in the water. What I missed…!!! I should have gone swimming a long time before that!)

Anyway, maybe it was because they wanted to begin understanding things more, following what they see as "the beginning of understanding new ideas", which came through our connection around the time Hurricane Hermine came through, just a week and half previously. (See 9/1/2016.)

So as the Rudee Flipper got ready to leave, the engines started up, and boat began "turning around"…
It was actually "rotating in place".

The dolphins, who had been happily playing in "the bridge" under the boat, immediately became really agitated.

At this time, I hadn't yet understood that they consider boats to be "sentient". The boats. They interacted with "the boat," … and they add here,
"… and the boat knows our vibes, because it didn't bother with us."
As in, it didn't care. It left them alone.

They thought they "were fine", and that's all they know.

So the boat began turning in place, which interrupted their "play", and they had to "move", they indicate, meaning go more to the center.

Immediately, they said (very "argumentatively", they agree), "WHY is it doing that??????"

They felt very stressed to me, and they were SURE that the boat was doing something "abnormal".
"Why does it do it that way?" they asked. "Why doesn't it go in a curve, like others do?"
As I understand it now, they were fighting through churning waves that came suddenly, and if the boat was a creature (sentient, like they know it could be), then "Why would it do it that way, when it can move around by going forward?"
As far as they were concerned, going "backwards" was way incorrect and not just "why is it going backwards", but also "how?"
(They don't "go backwards at all. Ever." Not quite so, but maybe we'll leave it at that for now, so that I can get on with the story!)

So I got out my crayon and paper (okay, so maybe it was a little twig, and some sand… which turned into a "regular thing"), and began drawing and explaining for them.
"Writing something, and making quick 'sketches' helped," they indicated then.
I explained about boats needing to maneuver in small places, and that boats, and all other vehicles, need to have a "reverse" gear.

They were delighted and relieved.
"That's why it's so way awry. It moves in tiny places, and so it needs to do that," they said.
And then I gave them a mental image of taking my car every week, and going for my shopping, to the grocery store, for example, to bring home "food" (for a while!) … There were lots of new thoughts for them there.
"A vessel, something that carries you, and us as well?"
(think dolphins, generically, like related to Sea World and such… this part about them is a new, July 2017 awareness, though)
"Changing direction with your hands?" (steering wheel)…

… and "backing out" of a "hole."
(My comments here! This is funny! I drew my driveway for them, and at the time, they must have perceived it as something going down into the ground, which it doesn’t, and there's no garage either!)

Anyway, in the process, I drew for them an idea of roads…
and then my "home" (another idea, like "no rain?") …

… and the driveway in front of my home, and how the road goes along ("without moving…" they need clarification)

… and how I need to turn the vessel (car) to move in front of the "building"…
… and then I showed how there was nowhere to move forward again when I got back into my "vessel" (car),
and so it "had to be created to go backwards and then forwards."
(These are their words, so you can see they're grasping the concept… that was at the time. They have a much easier time with not only our ideas, but also the "lingo" these days… they've been "online", in case you hadn't understood the 9/2/2016 journal entry, entitled exactly that: "Part 2: The Internet?" These are THEIR comments and interludes!)

So to move on with the story as it happened at the time:

In the process, I was describing that the boat is actually an "inanimate object", and that it would therefore have a cockpit (just like "the boat that is in the sky"), or some place where there would be controls, and I visually connected them with the "round things" that show speed, and more.

… and THEN, that's where it got more interesting yet. I explained that there would probably be someone "in the cockpit", who knows how to guide the boat, and is comfortable with all those very many controls, and they now call it someone "who 'gears' the boat." (These are all their words, now, today… July 2017.)

However, at that time, the moment I mentioned a man who steers the boat, using a steering wheel, and other controls as well, the dolphins immediately again became really agitated!
"THAT MAN!" they exclaimed.
I asked "That man?"
"THAT MAN!" they said again, "HE'S TERRIBLE!" (This came out so strongly!)
I was really surprised. "Why?", I asked. "What's wrong with that man?"
They meant it was really loud!
If you've been paying attention, you'll probably be laughing just about now… either that, or thinking "Oh my god! The poor dolphins!"

They meant, of course, the loudspeakers!

Anyway, I explained about "tour guides", and also about sound.

For example, I explained how I wouldn't be able to hear someone who was standing as far away as the dolphins, and with the noise of the motor of the boat, and the ocean waves… so if somebody was being a tour guide, and saying
 "Now if you'll look off to the right side of the boat, you'll see a few dolphins…",
that nobody would be able to hear it.

And so there is a loudspeaker that amplifies the voice of the tour guide, or the captain, whoever is speaking.

They immediately changed when I explained that the captain might even be telling the people about THEM.

That loved that part, and immediately did the "how do we seem?" question (like somebody checking their appearance in front of a mirror!)

They liked it even more when I said that the captain or tourguide might even tell them some things about dolphins, like which type they might be, where they go, how they live, and understand many things.
They're fascinated how we find them, when the water is so murky or "not-seeing-through".

They would like to be hidden, and don't know how we find these things if we can't see them… and they're sure we don't see them except when they want to be seen.
(I have a few more recent stories about that theme, but they will have to wait for a while before I have a chance to write them!)

Anyway, the dolphins still didn't like "That Man!"
"They could find someone with a kind voice instead…" they indicated.
Ah, but they understood that the tourists, especially, want to know which direction to look in order to see them. That part, they like!

Following this, we had some longer conversations, because I had to explain about "tourists", and where they come from… and that involved explanations of the ocean only being along the shoreline ("duh!"), but that there are lots of places that are "inland", and so they are aware that not all people can just
"walk to the shoreline each time they wish"

… and also "some people might plan a vacation, and then bring their entire family" to the Virginia area to see the water (and the dolphins!... and many other things also.)
They were very specific about how I wrote that (above).

Can you imagine if all you knew was water?
"How 'impossible' would it seem to be so that others might learn to be awkward?"
(They mean that humans are rather "awkward" in the water, and that's already when we know how to get around in the water… So we must learn to be awkward! [learn to float]) Sort of like, "Is that it?" You can't go any faster than this?"

They're laughing most happily. It's rather funny to them to watch people swim because we are awkward, and don't go down.

All because I had to explain to them just why we need "vehicles" that can move quickly!

After this whole big long conversation, many more dolphins came by, and they were flashing their fins and splashing and showing their whale-tales, and being very frisky…

(published 07/10/2017)
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   09/11/2016  ~  New ideas for dolphins… and Voting!


New ideas for dolphins… and Voting!

Today, I was at the beach when the "nice tourboat" (the Rudee Flipper, I think) came around, and the dolphins played a bit and went close to the boat.

Today, though, what was different was that when the boat turned around to go back, and was turning around on the spot, the dolphins were happy, and they moved out of the way. The fact that the boat was going "backwards" a bit was okay with them, now that they understood about making things able to move in very tight spaces. They also understood that the hollow area, like a bridge, under the boat (a Pontoon boat), wasn't intended for them to play in…

Later, the other tourboat came, the noisy one that comes roaring through the water.  
The dolphins hid. There wasn't a dolphin to be seen… although they did show me that they were feeling a little more kindness towards the "big voice"  (i.e., the tour guide using the speaker so all the tourists could hear about the sights, and hopefully about the dolphins as well.)

They were very emphatic that they do NOT like the NOISE the boat makes.
"It makes too many uncomfortable sounds," they said.
I paid attention, and realized that it was true… most of the other boats, even when they're going faster, are much quieter. This boat, however, can be heard a fair distance away, even after it's gone.

"All of our cars have something called a muffler, which helps to quiet the noise of the car," I explained. "We also have laws about sound…" I told them. "Like after 10 pm, people in neighborhoods are generally expected to be quiet..."

The dolphins asked if boats ever have noise ordinances. They asked me to look up "ordinance", because I wasn't sure that I had used the correct words.

I found the following:
"WHEREAS, the residents of and visitors to the City of Virginia Beach are entitled 14 to an environment free from excessive sound vibration and inadequately controlled 15 noise that may endanger their health or welfare, or degrade their quality of life, comfort, 16 repose or peace;"
The dolphins had a rather intense reaction to this.
They, (and apparently other residents of the ocean, at least at the moment, those near Virginia Beach) would love to be included in the peace and quiet!

They indicate that loud noise in the water is really very disturbing to them.

I let them know that people are continuously becoming aware of new things that should be taken into consideration, and once aware of them, often things change, and new standards are implemented.

The dolphins let me know that they would love to vote in a law that limits noise (in the water).
(Should dolphins have voting rights?!! If everyone knew how to connect with them, maybe they would… they're extremely intelligent. We giggled together at the thought of voting polls set up under the water…)

The dolphins are also interested in many other new ideas… They say
"We've never been able to express ourselves  before because there was nobody to translate."
Actually, this time, it's one dolphin, a male, who is concerned and is asking me to help him understand all kinds of things.
I ask if he is a "spokes-dolphin" for all the other dolphins. He indicates not, but a general consensus is that
"yes, we are all this way. We would all of us include these same ideas."
A little while later, when the noisy, fast tourboat was approaching again, I let the dolphins know it was coming, so that they could move down in the water, to avoid getting hit by it.
They were very grateful and indicated that "this helps, and we are less stressed."

I asked "Can you hear it? Do you know where it's moving? Can you tell where it, based on the noise?"

Apparently not. Yes, they can hear it, but they tell me that for them,
"boats just make a general noise that carries in a large sound movement. We can't easily tell where the noise is coming from."
I asked "What if the boats could emit some sort of ultrasonic frequency, or something similar, so that you would know where the boat is, and where it is going?"

The dolphins were radiant.
"Yes!!!" "Please, if that is an easy thing to implement, it could help."
They say they never know what is coming, and it creates anxiety.

I feel for them… these very beautiful, dear dolphins, who play and are more aware than people have any idea…

Additional note added later:
Eventually, I figured out that ultrasonic frequencies emitted by boats would be fine for dolphins, and probably other toothed (echo-locating) whales, but that it would very greatly disrupt ALL of the baleen whales, and interfere with their health. They are far too sensitive to that type of noise.

(published somewhere around 09/11/2016)
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   09/12/2016  ~  The dolphins want names, please!


The dolphins want names, please!

As I was doing some of my energy routines on the beach, before coming in to swim, one of the dolphins asked for my attention, in a very new way.

Just as "dolphin whistling" had been coming through me as I played with energy while on the beach a few days previously (journal note to be added at some point), now there was the soft letter "R" coming through my mouth… "R… R… R…"

"R?" I asked…
"Are (R) you coming in soon?" asks the dolphin, meaning into the water to swim with them.
I guess it would be helpful to explain that our conversations are not happening in a phyiscal way where the dolphins and I are always in the same physical location. They might be way far out in the water, and they certainly can't hear me physically (waves are rather noisy, not to mention the noise of other people on the beach), and I may or may not be seeing one or more of them, and when I AM seeing them, it's not like I'm right in their midst, although a few times, we did get pretty close. I WISH I'd been close enough to physically talk with them and touch them!

Rather, our conversations just kind of "happen". I'm very used to this with my work, as I "get information" (as a psychic would) in my energy work with clients, but my "energy" has always come through very expressively, and the dolphins just come through in the same way. It's really hard to explain, but one of them is telling me here, as I write, that
"She [Joy] is not using communication that I understand, so I change, and it is that way. I learn to interpret her ideas. She needs action, but I can guide her hands."
One of the male dolphins has already shown me a hand symbol to indicate that he is the one communicating. Left palm facing up, then the fingers of the right hand placed face down on the left palm, and the then fingers of the right palm fold over them, gently clasping them.

This is a different dolphin. She gives me a new hand symbol. This one is the left hand facing up, four fingers together, and thumb connecting with the four fingers.
"Hope" she says… "Hope… hope… "
I thought that maybe she was giving me her name. "Are you Hope?" I ask her.

This dolphin finishes her idea now… "I hope you're being soft…", she says, showing my hands moving gently and going higher up in the air.

It's hard to define the word "soft" … they used it a lot in the beginning, and even later on. It means kind of "okay, comfortable, accepting…" and probably has a few more meanings as well.

This is the first female dolphin, so far, who has connected with me.
With her comment, above, she was checking, very hesitantly, if it would be alright with me for her to "come through" and connect. It was almost as if she was asking my permission, and she agrees that she was.

It had only been a few days earlier that I had commented that each of the dolphins who connects with me has been male. I had asked whether the female dolphins would have permission to connect with me, and the answer had come back as
"Well… it hasn't been that way before… It's our roles."
So another change…
This dolphin feels very loving and kind to me, and she likes the name "Hope."
"It wasn't intended, but it will be okay."
(They're trying to help me, and names are helpful.)

(A note added 1/2/2021: I don't have many entries that specifically mention Hope, although there may be several, but she was ALWAYS one of the lady dolphins who was "around", learning, playing, hanging out when I was on the beach talking with them, and one who took much more initiative than most of the others. She's still that way, she lets me know.)

I ask about the name of the male dolphin who has already shown me the hand symbol I mentioned earlier.
He shows me as taking both of his "hands" (body language can be universal!) and gently placing them over the heart.
"Love," he says.
He indicates that he gives a bigger heart connection than the others.

"Is that your name?" I ask.

He shows my hands gently tugging upwards, lifting many others.
"I am one of the somewhat more spiritual dolphins within our group," he says.
"I bring many others more peace. I would resonate with 'Peace Bringer' as a name".
More of the dolphins would love to give me a symbol, and have a direct name.

The dolphins show me that they have their own version of names for each other, but they wouldn't be easy to communicate, so any individual connection (name) that I would make with any of them, would be fine.

However, I'm not particularly creative, and I have no idea what I might call any of the other dolphins.

"I could give you names like our common names," I suggest, but the dolphins let me know very clearly that they don't care for those.
"Too much like everyone else," they reply.
It may take time to put together names. "They'll come as I learn who some of you are," I say. That's okay with them… apparently there are many more dolphins who would like to be named, mentioned and remembered…

"If I could see you, close up, and be given a name for you as I see you, that would help," I share.

I know I've seen Peace Bringer… One day, the entire pod surrounded me on all sides as they went by, and I felt like I was right there in the middle of them, so close that I almost could have reached out and touched them. I was overwhelmed. There was one big dolphin who had his eyes above the water when he was passing by close to me.

Peace Bringer indicated that that had been him, and that he had "let me see him and that he blew through his blowhole" while he was near.

So Peace Bringer has been the main dolphin who has been connecting directly with me, and he let me know that he is also the dolphin who first imitated me when I was lallygagging around in the water on that day in August. (See the August 19, 2016 journal entry.)

(published somewhere around 09/12/2016)
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   10/09/2016  ~  Hurricane Matthew and many more journal entries…


Hurricane Matthew and many more journal entries…

I have continued connecting with the dolphins, and also the bottlenose whales, as well as a group of gray whales that has come to me for help.

There will be many, many more journal entries, but it takes time to make my rough notes from the events more readable…

In the meantime, the dolphins have been having some adventures with me, and they are coming through Hurricane Matthew much more comfortably than they did with hurricane Hermine, using some "new techniques", which I'd love to write about, when I can find the time again.

There were also some "rescues" of baby dolphins, as well as adults, who had become separated from their main groups during the storm. They are all well.

There will be more to read… hopefully soon.

When you read more, you'll probably be just as amazed at my dolphins as I is… and really proud of them, for more reasons than you can imagine!

(published somewhere around 10/09/2016)
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   10/18/2016  ~  Dolphin charmer


Dolphin charmer

Sometimes on Tuesday mornings, early, there were military guys on my end of the beach, doing some exercises and training.

This particular morning, they were just a short way away from where I was doing my morning energy routine, which includes, among other things, dancing, a freeform graceful moving that looks like Qi Gong or Tai Chi (but maybe much faster), and sometimes I also twirled. (It's a lot of fun, and great exercise!).

Otherwise, the beach was pretty much deserted. It was mid-October, and the tourists were long since gone.

However, as was often the case, one of my dolphin pods came close, to play while I was on the beach. Today, it was my group 4 dolphins…

The dolphins, as they often did these days, were "putting on a show" for me when I was around. They had been doing a lot of this following the hurricanes, showing their gratitude for helping them through the last big hurricane (Matthew) in a different way than anything they had experienced before… or at least, that's what they say!

I also often ended up in the middle of a "conversation" with them… or at least with the moms among them. The females had a much easier time with general conversations than males did, overall, and although I did have a few interactions with male dolphins here and there, most of my interactions were with the females.

As I recall, on this particular morning, we were talking about parenting, and current-day-ish parenting techniques, such as acknowledging children's feelings.

It looked something like this: I would be doing some exercising, then twirling… and then I would stop, because I was talking with the dolphins… I would be standing there, looking out at the ocean,  absorbed in our conversation, and dolphins were hanging out there…Usually, my hands would be moving easily in the air as I explained the ideas we were talking about. (Kind of like a combo of signing and pantomiming all at the same time … I don't do it consciously… it just kind of happens.)

During these times, many of the dolphins would jump high (that's their words here… they wanted to me to add they were jumping HIGH), and splash more… males and females both.

(Please understand that the dolphins in this area didn't usually put on displays such as these… Their [previous] usual behavior was just to "dolphin" on by, and then they would be gone.)

As I looked up the beach to where the military guys were, there were only 3 of them… the platoon leader, and 2 other young men. The rest of them had gone for a long run down the beach.

One of the two young men, I noticed, kept looking at me, and then out at the dolphins… and then he would mimic all of my movements…

I was puzzled, needless to say, but I kept doing my routine, and of course, stopping to talk with the dolphins.

It must have looked like I was a dolphin charmer, because every time I stopped to talk with them, my hands waving gracefully in the air as they do when we talk, my dolphins would JUMP much higher, and more… and splash…

Personally, I rather think it was the other way around and that the dolphins were charming me, but in any case, the connection was rather obvious. We DEFINITELY had a connection!

As I twirled again, the military guy watched me, looked at the dolphins and also turned in a circle a time or two…

I danced to my music, moving my hands around in the air, and again, he watched me, gazed out at the dolphins, and copied my movements…

He kept this up for the next 20 minutes or so, and my dolphins stayed, PLAYING!

Eventually, I had to head back home again, but first, I walked down the beach to talk with the 3 military guys.

Much to my surprise, all three of them were happy to see me. I had been expecting to maybe talk with the guy who had been copying my movements… but I wasn't too sure what the others might have been thinking.

"I see you introduced yourself to my dolphins,", I said to them…

They responded by saying they knew I was playing with the dolphins, and they wanted to "add to the energy" so that the dolphins would continue to stay and play.

It turned out that the young fellow had been injured and wasn't able to go on the run like the others in the group, but he WAS supposed to exercise.

The platoon leader had told him that whatever I was doing, it was exercise too, and if it somehow got the dolphins to dance, then that was great, so he gave orders for him to do whatever I was doing!!!

(published 03/03/2019)
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   12/09/2016  ~  … always more!


… always more!

Just because you don't see it, doesn't mean it's not there!!!

There are constantly new "journal entries" happening… with new stories usually every day… they just haven't been published yet.

Every day, I go to the beach… and more often than not, the dolphins come to visit me, even though it's cold!

The dolphins say,
"It's not much fun to be above the water when it's so cold."

… so they usually don't show nearly as much of themselves, but they still "play"…

...and despite the cold, they are sometimes jumping and leaping, splashing, and now even also "breaching".
That’s like doing a big back-flop… their version of our belly-flop!
The questions they are asking are really amazing and fascinating, almost beyond words.

A fairly young male dolphin recently asked "What are babies for?"
What he meant is "Why do I exist?"
Isn't that the age-old question?
"Who am I? …and what is life about? Why am I here?"
… and, do dolphins self-identify?
"Do they recognize themselves in a mirror?"

Now THAT'S in interesting question!

Do they see the dolphin in the mirror? Hmmm.….

I have a different answer than the currently-held belief.
There are more fun stories… please keep checking back.

(For various reasons, life has been extraordinarily busy. A cross-country move is a big deal. I anticipate that there will be more time again for publishing the journal notes, eventually… It's March 2019 now, and I'm still slowly working on it… along with adding new journal entries as they come along...)

(published somewhere around 12/09/2016)
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Late summer 2016

This is where it begins to get much more interesting.
There are, however, many, many more journal notes that I haven't had a chance to get to yet.
Please note: I had originally been writing all of my journal notes in the "third-person"... There came a point in our connection where the dolphins interacted with me as I was writing, and they began bringing through their own voices and expressions. They really are priceless! When I had initally tried writing in the first person ("I"), they saw it as intruding to interrupt, and so they didn't feel okay adding their own voices. NOW, I'm in the process of moving to the first-person narrative, and they "speak up" really easily now as I'm writing!
(Please note that you can also quickly skip to the next journal entry by clicking on the little arrow at the right of each entry … that will let you see just the titles at a glance.)

   08/15/2016  ~  Almost swimming with the dolphins…


Almost swimming with the dolphins…

After talking and playing with the dolphins all last year, I decided it was finally time to get in the water with them… and so I went swimming in the ocean!

I had watched the dolphins playing near the kayakers several times, and hoped the dolphins would come close to me like that.

No such luck the first time! Actually, it was the boogie board…

I started my adventure with a lovely pink boogie board that had been stored away for several years.

The dolphins said that the boogie baord was too "slow"… They meant the vibration, of course! They couldn't get the right connection to it…
"Does it have a consciousness?", they asked.
Then they said,
"Leave it sit around in your home for a week or so, and we'll begin to feel your energy…"
But since I was already in the water with it, I just went swimming and paddling on my boogie board, enjoying the waves and the sunshine, the warmth, the blue sky, and the beautiful day.

Even though they weren't right there, they kept talking with me. That was group number 2.

They said they'd be more likely to come and play more when they had adjusted to my "in-the-water" vibrations, which were very different than my "dancing-on-the-beach" vibrations, which they had come to enjoy. They gave me feedback, so that I would know better what to do near the dolphins.

Breast stroke?
"No," was their response, "...but swim on your back, and gently move your hands at your sides, and that is nice."
Jumping in the water? Nope…

"Yes please!!! Round and round a few times… we like that!"
Group number 1 wasn't even nearby, but they also gave me encouragement.
"Try again tomorrow," they said the whole time I was out in the water.
"We can feel your energy, and we're liking it. We like your heart… and we need to raise our vibrations a bit, you see."
It's interesting, because group number 1 has the much greater consciousness, where they often connect from wherever they may be, without being present in the vicinity.

(published somewhere around 08/15/2016)
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   08/16/2016  ~  Finally swimming… and dolphin dances


Finally swimming… and dolphin dances

Today, I went back to the beach and went swimming again… and today, both groups 1 and 2 of my dolphins were around.

As I was getting ready to get in the water, the dolphins began coming closer. They were playing A LOT! There was lots of splashing, and we'd say "horse play", but of course, that would be "dolphin play"! That was my group 1 dolphins…

Initially, I went out into the water alone, without my boogie board, so that the dolphins would get to know me more easily today. What else could I do after their previous comments about my boogie board???!

The dolphins were coming very close and were connecting with me… and they were splashing around a lot and putting on a great show!

There were a few other people nearby, and they also began gathering in the water and watching the dolphins, attracted by all the splashing.

The dolphins let me know that they didn't care much for the group of older ladies in the water closest to me, because there weren't any young people with them, but the next group over had some kids, and the dolphins let me know they were comfortable. (Not to have anyone take this personally, please! It's just that kids have a young, happy, vibrant energy, and the dolphins understand that energy… but they don't know what to do to interact with someone who doesn't have energy that they don't understand… yet.)

The dolphins kept asking me to move my arms. What they meant was, "please play with the energy!"
The dolphins were enjoying the energy, and were coming very close. They say it was to "try to understand what all the vibes were about". (Those "vibes" were related to my healing energy, and whatever I'd been doing that day…)

After a while, I got my boogie board and went out farther with the dolphins. That's where my group 2 dolphins joined me as well.

They came and stayed close by the whole time I was in the water… and they appeared to be having a lot of fun too. They also kept asking me to keep playing with the energy while I was swimming… So there I was with my boogie board in the water, singing away, playing, and clapping at the antics of the dolphins. They always loved it when I clapped for something they were doing!

I was fascinated and almost overwhelmed by this dolphin experience today… it was so beautiful and fun, and the dolphins let me know celarly that they were also "feeling" the vibes.

Occasionally, along our Virginia Beach beaches, people will see dolphins riding the waves, but that's more often when the waves are bigger and fun, like when it's been really windy, like after a big storm. However, mostly, dolphins just move along the shore much more gently, showing their dolphin fins, and just being "dolphins".

My dolphins today, however, were shining! It was fabulous!
It was my first time experiencing this much fun interaction with my dolphins.

They were in smaller groups of 8, and 4, all of them together splashing, playing, jumping, somersaulting and very often showing off their "whale tails" (that's what they love to call them now!) By Whale Tails, they're referring to sticking their tails straight up in the air, right before they disappear, just like the whales do! This was definitely a new thing for them!  

… sometimes there were three of them jumping all at the same time… and the water was constantly full of their dancing splashes… You could see the water showering around, even from way far away!

At one point, I felt something extra-special, in the form of a tremendous heart response from the dolphins who came the closest to me.
There are no words that can possibly describe the amazing dances the dolphins were taking care to choreograph (that's the word they used for it a few days later), and the beautiful soft, sweet energy that was there.

At one point, I asked if there were visible differences between the males and the females, so that I might be able to distinguish them when their fins and bodies where often up high above the waves.

The dolphins tried explaining the difference between the fins of the male and the female dolphins, but I didn't quite understand it. The size of the fin is a little bit smaller in the females… and just a little bit more "pointy", apparently. I couldn't tell the difference, without asking whether that was a male or female that had just dolphined by.…

Eventually, I had gone so far out that the shore was a bit far away, and the dolphins sent me back closer in. "That's far enough," they let me know. They were trying to make sure I would be okay!

Back at the shore, I found I had drifted way down the beach, and had to walk back to where my towel was.

Group 1 was waiting for me back where I had first begun. This was really magical!

They were still having a really fun time, as they explained to me that the energy was "great". (This "energy" stuff is hard to explain… but it's what initially made it possible for me to "call the dolphins".)

Group 1 stayed around, close to the shore, continuing being really happy… splashing playfully, jumping (even though there were no big waves in the ocean at all), and somersaulting in the water… many dolphins together...

However, shortly thereafter, the rhythm changed. One of the tour boats came by, but it was a tour boat that the dolphins didn't appreciate so much, and usually hid from. This boat comes roaring through, making a lot of noise before they eventually slow the engine to give the tourists a chance to enjoy the dolphins.

Additional note, added later:
Much later, in September, I finally understood. Group 2 communicated that they have had two dolphins injured by the propeller of this fast-racing tour boat over the past few months, and "it's a sad way to leave", they say… meaning the two that were injured.)
Two of the other tour boats are quiet, and the dolphins love to come out and play for the tourists.

Not quite so here… the dolphins dispersed, and disappeared. That was the end of the happy energy.

A few of them came back in quietly later, when I was playing with the energy again, but they weren't jumping and playing as they had been earlier.

(published somewhere around 08/16/2016)
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   08/19/2016  ~  ''Can I imitate you?'' … and ''lallygagging''


"Can I imitate you?" … and "lallygagging"

Over the next few days, whenever I was playing in chest-deep water in the ocean out beyond the breakers, I would often lie on my back, just floating, looking up at the beautiful blue sky, relaxing, breathing…

I call this "lallygagging around". It's such a wonderful, comfortable space!

As you probably know, dolphins are known as great imitators.

There was one dolphin who had already connected with me often. (You'll recognize him later as the one who asked me to call him Peacebringer… see the entry for 9/12/2016)

As I was lying there on my back, this dolphin connected with me. He let me know he was there, nearby.

First, I found that I was crossing my legs as I was there in the water, and I understood this to be his way of making my shape a little more like his… a "tail", as opposed to two legs.

Then, he kind of asked me to see if he might be able to do the same thing… "lallygag around".

I said (or more like I "thought" to him) "You're kidding me, right? Dolphins swim already!!! You're an expert in the water!" I thought that surely there was no way I would have anything to offer a dolphin related to being in the water!

"Nope… not so," the dolphin said. "We don't know how to be at the top of the water," (meaning "just float for a long time").

Okay, so the dolphin and I played together for a long time. I lay on my back in the water, breathing easily, and the dolphin helped me to synchronize my breathing and also the holding of my breath, with his breathing.

In the beginning, it was slow. He showed me "holding his breath", and the muscles in his body relaxed a bit, but the moment that happened, he had to breathe again, very quickly. He wasn't quite able to get the hang of "lallygagging"... yet.

I indicated then that if he could hold the air in a way so that it actually would stay put in his lungs, that might help, because it was the "air bubble", along with the relaxation, that brought the "floating", or rather, "lallygagging".

This dolphin, however, kept trying to explain to me that the movement of the muscles in his body and the entire body language says that the tail needs to keep swaying, and through this movement, the oxygen pushes its way through to the muscles, rather than staying put in the lungs.

He indicated that because the tail likes to keep moving repetitively and it wouldn't stop, it was a challenge to get his dolphin body to relax…

This dolphin, however, learned it nicely, over several days. He kept on practicing, especially every time I was in the water, and then some, and he managed to "get it". He found a way to hold the air near the top, despite the tail movement!

So, a few days later, he was able to "lallygag" for a minute or two.

Needless to say, though, it was a lot easier for this dolphin to "float" on his front than on his back, because the blowhole is near the top of the dolphin's body (whereas I breathe through my nose, which means I lie on my back).

The end result, though, is the same. Lallygagging.

(published somewhere around 08/19/2016)
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   09/01/2016  ~  Before hurricane Hermine came through


Before hurricane Hermine came through

On the Thursday morning before the big Labor Day weekend, I headed to the beach as usual, to do my morning energy routine.

As it happened, the sun was shining and sky was blue, but I knew from the weather forecast that by afternoon, it would be cloudy and maybe even raining a bit, as Hurricane Hermine was already beginning to affect the eastern coast. Friday would be rainy all day long, and for Saturday, the forecast was for very strong winds, as Hurricane Hermine would be passing along the Virginia coastline.

A few dolphins came to play as I did my exercise routine, blissfully enjoying the morning sunshine.

The dolphins were from my group 2. They were just having fun, splashing, "business as usual".
I asked if they were aware of the "weather" that was coming, and they said "no". As far as they were concerned, it was all just sunshine and blue sky…

They became aware, then, that I knew that the waves would be getting bigger, but it didn't make much difference to them.

I then had a little interesting conversation with them… about "time". I said I had "40 minutes" total to do my energy routine, get in the water, swim, race back home again, and be ready for a client appointment. Except that they didn't know what "40 minutes" was… Time, yes, but how long is 40 minutes?
(You'll no doubt be thinking here, "duh!!! How on earth would a dolphin ever know what 40 minutes is?" But bear with me… they eventually got really good at estimating time, my way!)

Okay, 5 minutes they knew: "Short".

A "day" they could relate to… yes, a sunrise to another sunrise.
Take that and divide it into 24 parts to make 24 hours… where every single hour had 12 sets of 5 minutes ["short"]… Okay, that was a bit too complicated… at least for this time.

The fact that we take our time and divide it into such "compartments" was alien to them.

Later in the afternoon, I needed to take a break from what I was doing, and decided to head to the beach again, before the rain came. Chances were, it might be several days before I was able to go back again, unless I wanted to go out in the middle of the rain and wind.

By this time, it was cloudy, and the wind was beginning to pick up. There was a bit of rain, on and off, and the waves had more peaks than they'd had in the morning.

The dolphins (a few from my group 2) were there, and were really active. They were making their way along up the shore, but going really, really fast, often jumping along the way. "Porpoising", it's called.

I asked them if they were playing, but they said they were not.
"We're trying to go up the coast, before the big waves come. We must stay ahead of the waves. Someone is angry, and we are trying to get out of the way."
They had the idea that if they kept on heading up the coast, really fast, they could stay ahead of the waves. All they knew about was the waves.

I gave them a visual connection with "weather systems" (aka, the weather.com radar maps), indicating that people now have lots of information, and that the big waves were part of a "storm" that would be coming.

The dolphins quickly connected with the idea of currents moving, bringing air that moves, and creating clouds.

The discussion moved to seasons, storms, and weather, and the fact that a storm could move along.
I explained that at this time of year, the changing seasons brought temperature differences that created many more severe storms than usual, and now there was a very big storm called a "hurricane" on its way.

They were delighted to learn this… not happy about the hurricane, but knowing that it was actually something called a "weather system" helped them to relax.

The idea that a storm could pass by, and also had a path that we could closely pre-determine, including the area covered, gave them something to think about.

They asked about "the boom noises" during the rain. I quickly understood that they were referring to "thunder".

Thunder made them uncomfortable, because they assumed it was like a big-time "upset", as if someone (someone quite big and VERY powerful, somewhere) was very annoyed.

The idea of the clouds creating fronts where different temperatures could cause such violent repercussions was actually a nice thought for them… "Mother nature balancing out" is a much more comfortable thought than the idea that somehow, there were angry giants or something or someone causing it.

Along with the thunder comes lightening, which also has uncomfortable repercussions for the dolphins, as the lightening could hit close to where they might be.
"It has caused injuries", they tell me.
I broadcast to them that "by counting the space between the lightening and the time you hear the thunder, you can know how far away you are from the storm."

… and the dolphins said they understood that they would be more safe if they could stay far away from the storms, and the understanding of the lightening with the thunder could help them to avoid being in the direct area where the storm was.

But… there's more. Almost immediately, they asked,
"How do you count? "How can we know how far away the lightening is?"
I thought quickly… Fingers? No, let's try "dolphins."

"Okay, one dolphin, two dolphins, three dolphins," I say, broadcasting a visual image to them…  " One, two, three…" It seems they were able to follow this.

(A note added 12/15/2020: I don't think I've written much more about lightening, and thunder, and counting, but MANY times over since then, one group or another of whales or dolphins has quickly come through to "show" another group how to check how far away the lightening is…)
"By knowing about the weather, we could stay comfortable," they said now.
Up until now, they had just hoped to keep moving up the coast ahead of the big waves, and maybe be okay.

However, they let me know that they had memories of doing that before, and STILL often ending up in the middle of a really uncomfortable time… So this was all very helpful for them, they figured.

By this time, some of my group 1 dolphins had also showed up. The group 1 dolphins, though, had had a different set of experiences than the group 2 dolphins:
"We were aware of something coming already early this morning," they indicated… "and as for time, 5 minutes, 40 minutes, we know what those both mean!"
They do have a bit of an advantage, though, as these group 1 dolphins have been near me for several additional years…  they were around before the other groups learned to connect with me.

As we continued connecting, I outlined the path of the oncoming hurricane, as well as the expected time frame.
I also talked about the satellites that give people the information.

That's when it began to get interesting.
(12/15/2020 note… these were my earliest interactions, and they weren't yet comfortable expressing themselves that way the whales and dolphins do now… Maybe I've just learned better to connect with more individual personalities… it seemed to be much more of a "group" connection back in September 2016. So trust me… if they knew then how to "write" with me, my notes would be MUCH more fun and interesting! But this way, you kind of get to see how they evolved.)

Group 2 initially said that they would like to continue on up the coast, as they had been doing.

However, group 1 indicated that they knew it was much easier to stay nearby, now that they had "information" about what caused the big waves.

Hearing that, group 2 decided to hang around for a little while, and then decide.

I suggested that maybe the groups could connect with each other, and do an experiment… one group could go north, ahead of the waves, as usual… while another might go east a little ways, and another group could decide what they might like to do.
(There's groups 1, 2, and 4 at the moment. Group 3 was the winter group last year, and were currently much farther north.)

I asked "Do you know each other? Like, do the Group One dolphins know the Group Two dolphins?"
"Ummm… well… no." … came from ALL of them at once.
Might they be friends… or become friends? "No…" was their response. That did change, though, with time.

My understanding is that they had different ancestors, and they hadn't thought to intermingle, even though they've all been together in the area over the past few months.

Actually, if you'll recall, group 2 had been quite territorial, so while the other groups might have been nearby, they were not coming to my beach quite as often. However, as soon as my group 2 realized this in August (when I became aware of it), they quickly began allowing all the dolphins to come to the beach.

I indicated that the world, as far as people and countries were concerned, had also once been that way (more separate groups, and often very territorial), but with the event of television, computers, internet, phones, video calls, airplanes, and more, that people were now connecting in ways they had never thought possible before.

There were many more discussions, and by now, my group 4 dolphins had also joined in the conversation.

I now asked the dolphins if they would be okay during the storm.

They indicated it was usually really terrible, but they shared that
"knowing where the bit waves will be [all over], and that it will eventually pass by, will help us to relax."
They normally preferred to stay a little closer to the shore during the bad weather, but they understood that being farther out made sense this time.

Then one of the dolphins asked me if I would be okay through the storm.
It will help here if you recall that these dolphins all think that people are dolphins too… but they know we move "outside of their area."

I gave them a "visual" of our homes, with walls, and doors we can close. They were puzzled, and thoughtful, but it was apparently the idea of a roof that they found the most intriguing. I assured them that I would be warm, and dry, and very safe.

By the time I left the beach, all of the various groups had decided that they would remain in the vicinity, just moving out farther, away from the storm's direct path.

(published somewhere around 09/01/2016)
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   09/02/2016  ~  New dolphin decisions!


New dolphin decisions!

This was now Friday, the day after I had explained to the dolphins that there was a big storm, a.k.a. hurricane, coming. The hurricane was due in Virginia Beach on Saturday.

Friday morning was windy but not raining, and the sun was actually trying to peek through a bit in the morning, so I headed to the beach for my usual morning energy play.

I wasn't sure if there would be any dolphins there this morning, because I thought they might all have already headed out farther, to stay out of the way of the coming storm.

However, as very often happens, several dolphins showed up as I was doing my exercise and energy routine.

What a surprise! They told me that they were six dolphins, but WHICH 6 turned out to be a surprise! There were two from group 4, and four from group 1. TOGETHER!!! Wow! This was certainly a first!

They told me,
"We decided to do like others in the world are doing, and start getting to know each other."
"How are you getting along?", I asked.

Often the energy is so very expressive, and words can't even come close to describing it.
The gist of it, though, was,
"Well… hmmmmm…, we're trying … but it may take a bit of getting used to."  
(Read a lot of sort of hesitation into that…)
Okay, that was really, really neat that they were trying to get together.

The results from yesterday's conversation had been that they had decided that they would all try different paths during the storm, then "compare notes" (as I had suggested), and see "which group had the easiest time."

Apparently, though, a few of them had decided that since the hurricane path wasn't yet close, that they would try staying close to the shore initially, and then head out later.

I hadn't been planning to get in the water to swim that morning, because the waves were getting big and strong, and I hadn't worn my swimsuit to the beach.

My guidance, though, was encouraging me to get into the water.
"I could just sit in the surf in my clothes", I said, very tentatively.

It's fascinating, but the dolphins always respond to the energy, and to my thoughts, tentative or otherwise, and this was a definite "Yes!"

In response to my thought, three dolphins immediately jumped all together at once… nice and high... and one of them did an amazing double-jump! You know, like when you're skimming rocks, and it goes skip-skip… the dolphin double-jump was like that!
The waves were really fun, so I couldn't just sit in the surf. Clothes and all, I went in to ride the waves.

There must have been something in our connection that made the dolphins happy, because they let me know that "the water became more happy and inviting" when I got in… something to do with the energy all around me, at least that day. (They're laughing here, letting me know that once they started connecting with me, and I began coming into the water, that that was actually "the norm".)

Later, as I walked home from the beach, dripping wet and smiling, the dolphins continued asking me to continue being aware of them as they swam (although they don't like the word "swimming"! … Call it "dolphining" or something like that, they say!) out through the stormy water.

They let me know as well, that their pods were much more upbeat and felt way more normal, despite this "weather" than they normally would be… because they finally understood that
"a big storm is just nature. Not anger."
Imagine, if you will, primitive tribes, before scientific discoveries… Thunder storms? "Someone must be really angry… What do we need to do to calm them down?" You get the picture. Knowing the cause and the effect makes all the difference in the world.

(published somewhere around 09/02/2016)
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   09/02/2016  ~  Part 2: The Internet?


Part 2: The Internet?

There was actually a little bit more to the day's tales…

With the idea of always being able to know what the weather was because of the satellites, Group 1 of my dolphins quickly came to the realization that they could connect with the satellites themselves and know what the weather patterns were. In that way, they wouldn't need to rely on anyone else to let them know what was coming… especially if there were hurricanes.

This is where a really light consciousness and the idea of "connecting" comes into play. They're trying to explain a different level of what our society would call "psychic", but they say it's way different than that.
"When someone is in that space, everything can be accessed. All information is known… but the question is, do we have the consciousness to connect with what we need?"
I had done my best to give the dolphins a quick overview of our society in our current day and age, where everyone now just uses the "Internet".

"Anything you want to know, you learn just by going to the Internet", I tell them.
Try explaining the Internet to a dolphin…!!! Where to even begin??? I wasn't sure if I had been successful.

However, that evening, while I was at home, I was aware of some of the dolphins connecting with me.
"9/11?" they asked… (We were about 1½ weeks away from our 9/11 anniversary, which is still remembered every single year.)
"I see you learned how to access the Internet!", I responded.

(note added 12/17/2020: If you read this journal entry before today's date, it would have read, "Audubon?" they asked…  At the time, the 9/11 energy still felt very sad to me, and I tried to lighten it at the time… using "Audubon" just to show that they had "searched the Internet" [without a computer] and come back to let me know! Now, a few years later, it's much easier for me to use the original "9/11" that they actually came through with.)

But they smiled with me, when I told them, "Just don't ask me to explain this to other people… How is it possible that you found this information just by reaching for the internet? People need a physical device that uses physical means to access the Internet."
"Physical means???" They were teasing me here… again!
"Oh," I say. "Of course… Wireless signals. That's all you need!!!… okay, along with consciousness… Maybe people will understand that, somehow."

They tell me, though, that it's only because they connect with me, and that I've been in the water, right around where they are, "so we are around your circuits. Without that, we would not be able to access the information… and the knowledge of weather is so very helpful."

(Go figure, I can't explain this, but they seem to know what they're talking about!)

 "Maybe one day, dolphins will have their own computers…" I said. It felt like "just kidding" to me at the time, but my  dolpins were really intrigued by the idea, and think that someone might invent one for one of them to try out. (They feel quite hopeful here! Might it be possible some day?)

(published somewhere around 09/02/2016)
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   09/03/2016  ~  The hurricane


The hurricane

Saturday was the day that Hurricane Hermine came through. The hurricane brought with it very stormy weather… roaring winds and some driving rain… but at least the temperature was fairly mild.

A neighbor of mine said he always went into the water every single day, even during hurricanes… so I decided I would brave the weather and get into the water as well. After all, if my dolphins were out there in the weather, in the big wild waves, I should at least have some sort of idea what it might be like for them.
On the beach, the wind was whipping the sand around, and I had to turn my face sideways, away from the pelting weather, and I had to talk really loudly to be heard over the wind and the waves! (Not that anyone would have been listening, but I usually found myself talking out loud with the dolphins… not that they could ever hear me above the waves, but it just happened to be the way it was.)

The waves were huge, and everything was just white in the overwhelmingly huge surf.

I actually had fun! It was wild, and it was amazing! I stayed where it was shallow, of course, and just jumped the huge waves.

I had been checking with the dolphins… "Are you okay?" I would ask them, and they let my know they were okay. (There are more details that came the day after… please read the 9/4/2016 entry.)

They had shown me on the weather map with the radar picture, that they were out beyond where the actual storm front was passing through.

As I checked with the dolphins again while I was IN the water, they told my they loved that I had come into the waves, since my energy carried through to them somehow, and they felt more peaceful, despite the other stresses the storm was creating for them.

Although that really surprised me, it made me happy, and I LOVED connecting with them while in the water, and so   I stayed in the water much longer than I had originally intended. (That's not surprising at all, because that's often what happens when I connect with the dolphins!)

(published somewhere around 09/03/2016)
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   09/04/2016  ~  What do dolphins do during a huge storm?


What do dolphins do during a huge storm?

…but first, e=mc2
On the day after the storm, the dolphins communicated to me that they were waiting for me to come and see them.

When I got to the beach, the waves were still really, really big… with lots of very powerful white surf, and whitecaps all over the water.

The first thing the dolphins wanted to know was
"Why aren't the big waves gone yet?"
They were wondering
"If the storm is over, why isn't the water okay? Why weren't the waves kind and soft, like they usually are?"
I tried explaining about the wind whipping up the waves, the momentum that is there, and that it takes time for the momentum to die down…

I tried explaining "momentum" in several other ways, but it wasn't working.

The moment, though, that I said "Okay… Einstein… e=mc2" they "got it"! Instantly. (By the way, that "2" is supposed to be "squared", but my database doesn't give me that much formatting ability!)
Einstein, e=mc2: When an object is pushed in the direction of motion, it gains momentum and energy…
They understood it quickly, and decided then to stay and play.

The question is, HOW could they understand this "equation" more easily than all of my explanations?

So the dolphins are asking me to explain here that often they "get" (understand) an "idea" more easily than lots of words. "e=mc2", and the explanation of the equation, are a universal idea. The more "universal" the idea, the quicker they "get it".

I think it's related to that "consciousness" idea. That little equation is "understood" by so many scientific minds, that the consciousness lifts immediately into that space, which quickly encapsulates the "image". It's kind of like when I talk with them, and I give them a "visual", like a picture or idea in my mind, and they don't care if there are words around it. Like "a picture is worth a thousand words", and the words are never needed.

Could they explain e=mc2 back to you? They're shaking their heads. "Not."

(See also the June 18, 2017 dolphin journal entry, when it's published, for more information about communicating with thoughts rather than lots of words.)

So, what DO dolphins do during a huge storm?

I asked the dolphins how they had fared during the storm.
The dolphins that had stayed close to the beach during the day right before the storm and then headed out later that day, fared the best… and so they were the most relaxed.

All those who had been able to connect with me during the worst weather had also been able to be more calm through the storm than they usually are through a huge storm like that. It helped that they knew they would be soon through it…

However, my group 4 of dolphins had had a much more difficult time than the others. They were very anxious, as one would expect during the big waves of the storm…

During the storm, I had asked generically, "My dolphins, how are you doing?"… but I hadn't checked in with the groups individually. Group 4 did come through okay, and they showed me they had tried to go east and south to stay out of the storm's way, and while they had been well out of the way of the main storm front, there were a few other smaller storm paths around outer perimeter of the main storm. They had ended up going through one of those, which meant they were in the direct path of some thunder, and had to avoid some lightning af few times. It had apparently hit too close to where they were.

Group 4 said they would love to have had more moral support, and indicated that they would have had more ability to regroup and hold stronger if I had been able to connect with them… it could have helped them to be safer and avoid the lightning, they let me know. I felt really bad for not having understood at the time that they had not been able to respond to my question when I asked how my dolphins were doing.

The other dolphins, however, had let me know that they were more okay than they usually are during a storm, because they understood that it would be over in time… that it was a weather system passing through, as they had learned 2 days earlier.

However, some of the groups indicated that they had still been worried.
"We weren't exactly safe this way," they show me. "We were worried and agitated, just the same, while the waves were so powerful, and we weren't sure which way to look."
They indicated that they had kept "trying to find a way to calm the wind", as they would usually have done during a storm, but they also realized that this was from instinct. "It takes time to get used to new patterns," they say.

The thing that made the biggest impression on me, though, were their descriptions.
They described the effort that it took to try to keep breathing through the huge and rather violent waves…
Apparently, the effort that it took to constantly try to stay on top of the water so they could breathe, was huge.
It would probably be something like running a 2-day marathon, or longer… without any ability to stop and take a breath.
They said that some of the older dolphins and a few young ones hadn't been able to manage it and were no longer with them. They were grieving them, and not knowing how to find peace.
The dolphins were unhappy that storms mean some of them may not survive.
A note added on 12/21/2020:

This is about a later understanding on my part, because I have questioned this so many times, but they have assured me that this WAS IN FACT their experience, and there's nothing "quiet" about being in a "big storm" [hurricane].

You might ask, why do they simply not go down deep in the lower parts of the water where it's quiet? Why does it feel so much like a marathon to them?

As I was trying to add my own notes here, they began changing it, so here is what they would like to add:
"This has a lot to do with the amount of time it takes to go down that far, and we don't like the air with so much anxiety, so the noise crashes, and our group is fragile, so we can't guide. Each one of the group is so sure when we are safe [weather is nice], but it's uncertain, and we can't hear so well [the noise is big], so our systems are not okay. Joy also assures us that the 'heavens' are our guidance, but we can't vocalize to ask 'which way is this?'"
I think I DO need to interpret here [I'm still writing from info I have now in 2020]… We, humans, have maps, and we know the geography. The whales and dolphins use the "awareness of the movements of the heavens" as their guidance, and in a storm, the clouds and wind and everything else, means that they have no way of finding their bearings. So before they've even started, they're anxious, and fraught with uncertainty about WHERE they are, or where they will be by the time it's over.

Now, I have great laughter coming through, and another set of voices wanting to add their own version of something here:
"We, the whales, will use this another year, to show the baby dolphins how to test the earth and learn to gather their ideas to see where the feet are, to guide then into the depths, to find the correct way back again."
They are sure here that they "will figure out how to interpret the human routes and ways of seeing where we are," and we can teach the young ones and the littlest dolphins, as they will remember and teach theirs."

They do mean they've been trying to understand this for many years now, but "seeing what the dolphins are writing is very heart-rending for us, so we will sure finish in time, to learn this way."

They're still laughing! This is that very lovely "big whale consciousness" I've mentioned on several occasions. They try to help, when they know there is a dilemma, "and this is sure a big one," they say. (I think it's LandLover, who first connected with me soon after this hurricane… [it's like we're playing time-travel games here] and he says "yes, but several others as well with me." He means other species as well. He hangs around in my space a lot too these days… )

Back to the original notes, after the hurricane…

I asked the dolphins if they had any awareness of an "afterlife."

They didn't, and they didn't agree with me that it was possible. "It's over" they said. (I was very surprised about this… as the dolphins have such a very high level of consciousness… much higher than most people.)

I explained that most people on earth have a belief (along with nowadays, a huge amount of evidence), that the end of the physical life isn't "the end", but that there is a continuation… although, of course, there are exceptions. A belief in some sort of afterlife seems to be widespread through all nationalities.

This comforted the dolphins somewhat, but they wanted "proof".
(It's hard enough to give people "solid proof", let alone dolphins, who have a very different environment… so I gave them a few thoughts to think about, and then let it go.)

A few weeks later (9/15/2016), I have an update to this:
After having had an opportunity to let the idea of the afterlife "sit" for a while, they still hadn't accepted it.

Just the same, some of the females show me that "we are happy to understand your ideas, and happy that they may help people."

"Continuing on, surviving on the land, must be much easier when you believe you're going somewhere nice," says a dolphin named Hope. (See 9/12/2015 to learn about the naming of Hope.)
I felt, though, that they were just accepting that we "might have different versions of what is okay" [what we expect, or believe, maybe], and giving us permission to continue believing in an afterlife.

I think I will need more time to learn the dolphins' perspectives and ideas about this. I would like to learn more about what ideas they have.

Back to the storm, though…

Immediately after the storm, the dolphins were so worn out by the storm, that when I put out a thought along the lines of somehow being able to create "safe havens for dolphins during storms", they loved the thought, and indicated that they would be high on the priority list to go there, if such a place might be created.

I ask if such a thing would ever be logistically possible, and it's possible that it's not, but there's always "maybe…"

Another note added 12/21/2020:
By this time, they say "We've worked with Joy, and we understand, and are preparing for the hurricane season, pre-training even. We will be okay, through the years, but the design of a 'safe place' to be is okay, if some would like to be there."

They're indicating
"We know now how to adapt, but a safe-haven might STILL be very welcome along the coast here and there, for the elderly, now, maybe, now that we live to expect 'kind'."
This is with more awareness on their part of
 "how life expectancy gets much longer with remembering how to prepare, and heal."
They're referring to much of our medical technology these days, and
"that even elderly people expect to make it through storms and other adventures, just as much as young people."
(There are other journal entries for other years, showing how they've evolved with storm-preparations. It seems that they're still in my rough notes for a 09/15/2019 journal entry, available in the "unpublished journals at this time.])

(published somewhere around 09/04/2016)
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   09/04/2016  ~  Do dolphins swim?


Do dolphins swim?

This journal entry is ALSO from the day immediately following the hurricane, as there were several interactions that day.

I think you're going to laugh at me for this journal entry, but they WANT me to put this information out there. They are very adamant about it ("pink faces" they indicate, meaning they're almost angry that I wouldn't want to write this!) You can imagine my perspective, though… I want to shrink out of sight… Imagine trying to tell someone that dolphins say they don't "float"?!  But okay, here goes…  

The dolphins were near the beach when I was there, and they wanted to connect with me.

Today, more of them wanted to try out lallygagging, which one of the dolphins (Peace Bringer) had already learned a few weeks earlier when playing with me. (See the 8/19/2016 journal entry for more information about "lallygagging".)

What was interesting was that SEVERAL TIMES today, while we were playing, they told me that
"Lallygagging" (holding their breath and simply floating, and "relaxing"), "would have allowed us to rest more during the storm."
So because the hurricane had been just the day before and it was still fresh in their memories, they wanted to learn how to "Lallygag"… at least for today. From what I could see, they apparently practiced it a bit, so that when they came in close enough for me to see them, they were just "relaxing through the big peaks of the waves".

That was something unique and new. I hadn't ever seen them do that before. Please understand that normally they "jump" and ride the waves a bit, especially in the big waves following a big storm.

Peace Bringer said that he didn't remember to try out the lallygagging during the storm, because he was trying so hard to keep going, and the storm brought with it anxiety. The dolphins said they have to work really hard to keep the group together during big waves, since they communicate using sound, but during a storm, that method doesn't work too well, as everything is too noisy, like the waves and the wind.

The dolphins have NEVER let me say that they are "swimming".
"We don't!"
However, they say they will continue to use the word "lallygagging" as they learn more about holding their breath.

From what they've communicated to me, though, I now understand why they won't let me say that "dolphins swim": Swimming is all about floating, and then propelling, whereas the dolphins don't float. Somehow, the way I understand it, they keep pumping the oxygen through their bodies, and they don't hold it in their lungs like we do.

Today, the dolphins told me that they realized they have actually been holding their breath when they've been splashing around so much and playing over the past month or so… They tell me that it has changed how they use the oxygen at those times. (i.e., during those times, they HAVE been doing something much like "swimming", with air inside the lungs.)

According to them, the splashing is with their flippers, and their noses are up above the water, and they aren't breathing, but rather, just holding the air in.
They're laughing, with lots of giggles from the young ones, as I write this.
"This is unconventional for our type of group!" and then they add, "but we like to see you laugh, so we play, and it pleases you."
I had no idea!!! That is funny to me… I just thought they were playing! I guess that's why dolphins and orcas have enjoyed performing for crowds in non-wild situations… because they love the admiration of the onlookers.

In any case, they're also planning to play more with "lallygagging", and they hope to use their new breathing (rather holding the breath longer UNDER the water) through other storms. "Floating and lallygagging would have saved a few lives," they told me.

As for the big storms, they love the thought that someone, someday, might connect with a retreat idea… to give dolphins a haven to rest in during severe tropical storms and hurricanes (if ever there were a practical way to do that, and to let the dolphins know about it!)

(published somewhere around 09/04/2016)
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   09/05/2016  ~  Dolphins response to definition of ''Swimming''


Dolphins response to definition of "Swimming"

I looked up "human swimming" in Wikipedia several days after the hurricane was gone, and sure enough, it says there that "the science of swimming relies on the natural buoyancy of the human body."

Wikipedia also says:
Human babies demonstrate an innate swimming or diving reflex from newborn until the age of approximately 6 months. Other mammals also demonstrate this phenomenon (see mammalian diving reflex). The diving response involves apnea, reflex bradycardia, and peripheral vasoconstriction; in other words, babies immersed in water spontaneously hold their breath, slow their heart rate, and reduce blood circulation to the extremities (fingers and toes).
The dolphins responded to this with
"You see, we KNOW. We weren't actually swimming."
It was the "vasoconstriction" they already knew about… they do that automatically, they say.

As for the "apnea" part, which is holding the breath, they say
"…we're learning it. Slowly, though."
They indicate that they are moving the air internally via the movement of the muscles, which is very different than simply "holding the breath".

And the bradycardia, which means slowing the heart rate, they say
"It's fun. It's now a new thing."
They continue with,  
"So we're learning to float."
There is a fun National Geographic article about Dolphin Intelligence at
"Dolphins are notoriously talented mimics and quick students."
Peace Bringer, the first dolphin to imitate me when I was floating, indicated that he originally didn't have the "buoyancy" part of the equation, and that their heart rate won't actually slow down when they take a breath.

After finding this information about "swimming", the dolphins were finally able to help me to understand that their bodies won't hold the air in their breathing hole near the top, where it would help them to float. In other words,
"we can't keep the air together as a balloon," they show me.
Rather, they reiterate that the movement of their muscles and their entire body language says they need to keep swaying their tails, and that means their dolphin bodies can't relax… and through this movement, the oxygen pushes its way through the muscles as they move their tails repetitively.

… but, they're trying out this new "lallygagging" thing!

(published somewhere around 09/05/2016)
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The early entries
The early entries were mostly about beginning to know each other. For the most part, there weren't any "significant conversations" per se, at this point.
Please note: I had originally been writing all of my journal notes in the "third-person"... There came a point in our connection where the dolphins interacted with me as I was writing, and they began bringing through their own voices and expressions. They really are priceless! When I had initally tried writing in the first person ("I"), they saw it as intruding to interrupt, and so they didn't feel okay adding their own voices. NOW, I'm in the process of moving to the first-person narrative, and they "speak up" really easily now as I'm writing!
(Please note that you can also quickly skip to the next journal entry by clicking on the little arrow at the right of each entry … that will let you see just the titles at a glance.)

   11/30/2015  ~  Dolphins enjoy happy ''energy''


Dolphins enjoy happy "energy"

Dolphins are very psychic, and they love playing!

One day, I was getting some notes ready for one of my sessions, and I was going to write about the dolphins. As I tried to write my version, what actually came through was "… the dolphins are my friends when the energy is light enough!"

Sometimes the dolphins are more joyful than other times, and I find it's often when I've been having a wonderful connection with them.
They start jumping more around me, and it's the most fun thing to see them surfing the waves too!
I love feeling their happy energy!
I referred to this particular group of dolphins as "my dolphins…". This was a group that spent their days at the end of the summer and into the early autumn months, in the ocean at the beach that I am so fortunate to live close to…

Usually they're gone by late September or early October or thereabouts, as the weather gets colder, and they move on farther south, wherever they're migrating to… (The dolphins showed me on the map that it's a stretch of ocean between Myrtle Beach and Charleston, South Carolina.)

They had been gone for about a week or so, as the weather had gotten colder at night, and I was told they were gone for the rest of the year.

However, the day before Thanksgiving, I played with some energy that must have been especially nice and very deep, because on the Sunday right after Thanksgiving, I was at the beach doing a few exercises, and I kept looking hopefully out to the ocean in the event that there might be dolphins there, even though they had all told me they were gone for the year.

This day, I didn't even ask if the dolphins were around… I had asked a few days earlier and was given that they were many hours away already… somewhere near Morehead City, which would have been a little bit too far away to come back easily in the 20 minutes or so I might be at the beach.

However, about 15 minutes later, I saw little flashes that I usually recognize as the dolphin fins in the water… and when I looked more closely, there they were!

Next thing I knew, there were about three or four of the dolphins, joyfully connecting with me, and they came very happily riding the waves towards the beach, just in front of where I was playing. I could feel their joy!

I asked "Are you my dolphins?"… and the answer was "Yes, of course we are!"

They had apparently been connecting with the light new spaces and had "followed their joy" [their words] and in doing that, followed the energy pathways that they are connected to, right back to my part of the beach in Virginia.

Oh what fun! … but I was so busy having fun with the dolphins that I didn't pay attention to the incoming tide, and a huge wave came rolling in.

In a big hurry to back up and avoid getting wet (after all, it was autumn, and the weather was chilly, and I was wearing long pants and running shoes…), I tumbled backwards and fell down in the middle of the big wave.

I laughed, as the dolphins connected with my "silly grin over this mishap", as they put it! I was a little bit cold (okay, very cold and chilled) for the rest of my time at the beach, but decided to stay and play just the same, hoping that the dolphins might continue to stick around for a while… and they happily did.

I finally said good bye and headed home for a cup of nice hot tea and a warm shower.

(published somewhere around 11/30/2015)
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   01/08/2016  ~  Staying for the winter


Staying for the winter

I was at the beach this morning, and there were the dolphins! Again!!! They keep on showing up!

It's January now and usually they're gone by early October, but this winter, they keep coming back.

This would have been my Group 2 dolphins, the second group of dolphins who came in to this part of my beach, attracted by the "energy". They indicated that they now want to stay for the winter, to keep being there in this "energy".

One of the dolphins let me know that he was aware of some of this energy that I was playing with, and wanted to "learn"… and he was asking to be friends.

I asked if this was like a dolphin who might be a leader, but the answer was no… rather, "one who might help the others awaken more, like a shaman" (in our experience)

I asked to feel his personality, and I was really surprised… It felt strong, masculine, very definite and very aggressive.

I asked if that was just him, or whether most of the others also would feel that way to me, and I was given it was who they are as a group.

A few days later, as I wrote this, I was aware that the females are soft and gentle towards the males, but the males aren't aware of this. The females didn't know how to connect to me any way other than through their dominant species energy, i.e., like the males.

As I played with "the energy" there on the beach, the dolphins said they were doing that as well. They apparently play along when I play with the energy at the beach.

Note added years later, Jan 2021, as I went to edit my original note (above), as I'm finally getting around to finishing and updating some of my very first entries… In those days, they had no idea how to "write" with me, and our communication patterns were just beginning. The moment I started writing, now, though, they "jumped in" and began wanting to contribute, and explain something, and my journal entry went a completely different direction! I've now put the original note back at the top, and added the new notes here.

Now, in Jan 2021, they would like to add
"the ideas that we were struggling with back then."
So this is them, adding their notes with me, years later, about early January 2015.

To continue from the first line of my journal entry, above: They keep on showing up! … and they continue with:
 "… but we would like to know 'WHAT?', but we didn't understand it then."
They indicated that they wanted to keep being there in this "energy", regardless of the weather. Whatever this energy is that I play with, it seems to me that it must be very fun and magical to them… but they're indicating now, very emphatically, that "It was 'fate', but NOT energy, and we KNOW when someone is fine to be with and play."

"Not fun, but very enlightened," some of them are trying to say here, so that you might understand that
"It's not 'play' that we need, but 'research' and 'Who is God?' ". (They're definitely using their expanded knowledge of what they've learned by hanging out in my space all these years… they could not have expressed those ideas at that time, it seems, but the language of "energy" is universal, and even now, they're aware of what was there then.)

As I'm checking on those words they're writing  about "God", this is NOT Sunshine (my bottlenose lady whale who has learned in late 2020 about Christ and all the "light" that seems to be there when He's present)… Not that they ever asked me those questions, or in that way, but "we see and know when it's God there through others, but Joy is kind, so shows us the 'Christ version' of life and less stress in your society."

Okay, yes, I work a lot with "consciousness", "Christ Energy", "changing vibes", and more, in the work that I do as a healer. So the words they're using are not all that surprising. They're saying here, though, that "We MUST come for this 'energy', because nobody else who has stood on any beach anywhere near us exudes this, or anything even close to it."

And then, their next thoughts were:
"She MUST be a dolphin, as well, because we can read her ideas. Nobody else is shy about loving us, and we feel it just a little bit [what people feel when they see or connect with dolphins], but we can't 'connect'. With this energy here, it's 'just another dolphin,' and just perfect. We connect."

There's more, but they show that they can't come close to putting it out there in a way that will make sense to most people.

They're trying to say "She sees everything as kind, and is just a kind lady," but they're not expressing what you think they mean at all! Lots of people are kind…   

According to them, they kept showing up "because we could show others of our group what was what…"

What they've expressed to me over the years is that would see (third eye, they're saying) that whenever somebody would walk past me on the beach, that person's aura would change and become nicer, and it would remain that way, even if that individual was back on the beach several years later… and at the same time, they also weren't at all shy about letting me know that initially, when someone else's aura got nicer, mine got all "muddy" for a while, and it took some time to clear again… and if all they had ever seen was the "muddy version", they wouldn't have bothered coming!

As it was, they say
"We know, because we watched this happen over and over."
Now they're laughing, though, and trying to make you laugh too, with
"Yes, and it amused us to see change, so nobody is coming to see Joy, just the aura's changing!"
They're kidding! We do listen to the occasional radio comedy shows together, so they NOW "get" humor!

Actually, they indicate it was more of
"We want" they say, "so if Joy changes auras, then help ours."
As you can tell, writing my journal entries gets just a little bit complicated sometimes! However, I wouldn't have it any other way!

Another note:
In writing my notes up in 2021, I asked whether the dolphin "who might help the others awaken more, like a shaman" [earlier in this entry] was PeaceBringer, but it is not. I can't feel the energy "connecting", or making that match.

However, it feels like this one knows PeaceBringer… like maybe they're related; they're indicating "Just a younger half-sibling, or something like that." (Not that they really understood a lot about the siblings yet at that point, or even now… )

(published 01/21/2021)
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   04/13/2016  ~  A Christ Dolphin


A Christ Dolphin

I was curious, and so I asked the dolphins a question: "Do you know Christ?"

"Yes, we have a Christ dolphin," they replied.

At this point, I wasn't sure whether they actually had a dolphin (i.e., a dolphin in one of their own dolphin groups) who was like Christ, or whether they knew about Jesus.

A little while later, I understood that the dolphins actually knew many of our historical individuals…
...but they were also sure that all of those individuals are also "dolphins."
As I understood it at the time, they think we're all dolphins!

(A note added Feb 2019: That would be my east-coast dolphins. My west-coast dolphins think differently… They don't think we're dolphins like they are…  but maybe that's because I haven't had as much of a chance to spend time on the beach, connecting with them from there!)

(published somewhere around 04/13/2016)
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   06/19/2016  ~  The dolphins and Atlantis


The dolphins and Atlantis

The dolphins love connecting with happy energy.
I've found that any time I'm around and anything really significant comes up (energy- or information-wise), they respond by jumping more.

On this particular day, I was connecting with very early history.

Wherever I go, I am usually "tuning in", and with that, sometimes I'm asking questions about things and receiving information. Oftentimes, when I focus, there is a steady stream of information. Often it's fascinating… (and the dolphins are hoping to add here that it's "beyond-interesting"!)

So the thread of information on this day was about times long ago, and information that included Lemuria and Atlantis… before human beings.

As I stood on the beach, asking about this, the dolphins were nearby. They had been quietly weaving, i.e., doing their usual dolphin thing, although as usual when I was nearby, they were going up, down, back and forth… always staying near where I was.

I don't remember the exact thread of what the information was, but it was something related to Atlantis and dolphins.

At that moment, just as the information came through, the dolphins put on a spectacular show:
Within the space of about 10 seconds, eleven different dolphins joyfully jumped high up into the air, and came down again surfing a wave.
There was an excitement with this that was so grand that it was like the "grand finale" of a fireworks show.

According to the dolphins, in that moment, they had connected with the memory of this as a "moment of truth", i.e., a knowing, and something they just felt, deep within their core.

The dolphins are always "light" (they would add the word "conscious" here, because I'm aware of their spirits, they say) and they often play more when I am at the beach (increasing steadily since 2014), but this was really exceptional!

(published somewhere around 06/19/2016)
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   06/23/2016  ~  ''Do I know you?''


"Do I know you?"

It was a lovely summer late summer afternoon, and I enjoyed going for walks to the beach, which is quite close to where I live.

"Are the dolphins nearby today?" I asked as I arrived at the beach.
The answer I got today was "no... but..."
"Hmmmm... I wonder what that means?" I mused.

I looked around, but there were no dolphins to be seen anywhere.

Shortly thereafter, a little ways out and farther down the shoreline, I saw one of the little telltale signs that there are dolphins... At the moment, it was just a single fin.

It wasn't long, though, before there were a few more.

"Wow! Dolphins!" It always lifts my energy and brings a very big heart-smile and a "high" when there are dolphins nearby.

These dolphins, though, didn't bring quite the same "high" as usual.

"Do I know you?" I asked.
"Nope... We don't connect," was the answer.
I checked through the energies of the pods of dolphins that I already knew and called "my dolphins".

Group number one? Nope... Number two? Nope... Number three? Nope… Okay, here's a new one. We'll call you Number four. (How inventive of me… At the time it worked!)

By the way, I DID ask all of them if their pod had a name… but ALL of the groups have given me the same name for their pod: "Wide Horizons"… and they are all surprised that the name is not unique just for their pod…

I decided it was simplest just to name them according to the order in which I first learned about them.

Back to these new dolphins…

Their answer "We don't yet connect" was just the beginning.

"Connecting" is a process that changes our vibration.
I am, at my core, someone who "plays with energy"… and that is what has brought through the healing that comes through me, and which is also at the root of my being medically intuitive, right to the level of the DNA. I "connect", and "figure out the pathways" (the dolphins are helping me to explain).

So now, I could feel the vibes beginning to change. The consciousness of the dolphins began to connect, and I was aware that other dolphins were nearby, lifting my energy, and the new group of dolphins started connecting with the other dolphins ... mostly group three, because they were the closest at the moment.

Soon there were many dolphins around, and most of them were directly in front of me. Some of them were even quite close, but I noticed that there weren't any farther down the shore. They were all in front of me!

Dolphins normally just head on up the shore and gracefully move on, but the more times I play with them, the longer they learn to stay around. They say they enjoy the "unique vibrations."
(I can't write here that "I noticed [that the more times I play with them]"… They show that they KNOW that was the case.)

This new group indicated to me that during the summer, they're normally near this area, but they remain on the other side of the water, up the strip that goes by Chincoteague and then Ocean City, Maryland. They sometimes go as far as Delaware. (You get there from Virginia Beach by going across the Bay Bridge tunnel.)

A note added later, at the end of the summer: Group number four subsequently "stayed around" and came in to visit me for most of the remainder of the summer… as long as the group number two dolphins weren't around; that part of the beach is group number two "territory" during the summer months!

(published somewhere around 06/23/2016)
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   07/18/2016  ~  Dolphin ''Whale Tails''


Dolphin "Whale Tails"

It was very early evening on the beach, and I had just connected with something wonderful and new, as is often the case, given that I work with energy all day long.

This particular day, it was really neat. As I've already mentioned, my dolphins responded to "energy", and the "more of it" there is, as with this new space, the more they "get carried away"… (that's their words)

My group 1 dolphins were there, greeting me, and they were happy!
They were, as always, "aware"… so if I had something fun happening, they were happy too! (Group 1 is the group that has been around I the longest time.)

There were many of them, and they were quite close to the beach…
They played in a way that I had never seen them playing before, and they were staying put for a long time, which the dolphins don't usually do, as they prefer to keep moving.

The dolphins kept splashing… playing… using their flippers to splash, and also often, their tails.

What was really neat was that they let me know they were doing somersaults under the water as well!
… and, I would see their tales up in the air, like "whale tails" just before they dove under the water…
I had noticed that I had been seeing much more of the dolphin tails lately… but the dolphins like me to call them "Whale tails"! They're VERY definite about this!

We weren't at the point of "conversations" yet, but there were definitely words and ideas exchanged.
They were PROUD of their Whale Tails, as they (the dolphins) thought they were "huge" this day… just like this "big energy".

I could feel their delight and their "beaming energy", as they put it… It made me smile so deep inside…
They were indicating "We don't know just what exactly this is, but we love you!"

There was almost an overwhelming sense of huge connection between me and the dolphins, and it felt  "WOW"! There was a feeling of ecstatic fun.

There were several other people and families standing at the beach, watching, drawn by the happy, splashing dolphins.

I clapped with enthusiasm at their antics, although the ocean waves drowned out the sound.

Dolphins actually love it when people clap… it's not the sound, but the energy waves that are created by clapping.
I had never seen the dolphins stay in one place, splashing and playing like this any other time before. It was breathtaking!
The dolphins splashed and played like this for about 15 minutes… then they gradually moved away, doing their much more normal "dolphining" away from the shore… but even then, they still often took dives that showed their "whale tails", and continued splashing on occasion. It was a beautiful, happy energy.

P.S. The dolphins indicate that there was no possible way to capture their joy and "big energy" using words and descriptions… it was indescribable…

(published somewhere around 07/18/2016)
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   08/11/2016  ~  Dolphins migrating… and dolphin ''territories''


Dolphins migrating… and dolphin "territories"

It's that time of year… Mother Nature begins to call.

The dolphins, group 2, has been around all summer. They've been the ones mostly coming in to connect with me…

Every time I see the dolphins, my energy goes way high… and that's every single day. I have really enjoyed it!

However, the last few days, the dolphins have let me know there are changes coming…

Group 2 lets me know that the energy is pulling them on south for a bit. (They'll probably be back again… moving off several times, coming back, again and again…)

Group 4, which is usually across on the other side, i.e., closer to the Eastern Shore, has begun to be around a lot more often.

Actually, it turns out that group 2 had been choosing to be here, and so the other groups mostly just pass through, but don't stay, because group 2 "prefers" it that way.
"Territorial" would be the correct word!
Group 1 had also stayed near, but farther down the beach, as well as farther out in the ocean. They would have been closer if they could, but group 2 was letting them know that my end of the beach was "not available".

An interesting thing happened when I next connected with group 2… They became aware of something new. "Territorial" is what dolphins are, but now, in my space, they are finding that "caring" is there, and that I love all of the groups.

This was like an "Aha!" moment for them. From this time on, more dolphins from various groups are allowed near my part of the beach… at the same time! (Please note, though, that they were still keeping themselves very distanced from each other).

Group 2, while territorial, is also "the friendliest" group. They enjoy people.

They've been around the guided kayak tours all summer… coming close when the kayakers are out in the water, and sometimes being right there in amongst the kayakers.

Sometimes when I have said to the dolphins, "The kayakers are about to head out,", they have replied with excitement, "We're on our way."

Occasionally, though, as the season has been changing and migration is coming, they "hide" until the kayakers are out in the water, and then they'll suddenly "show up".

Dolphins are apparently really great at doing that. They can be nearby, but keep most of their telltale signs hidden, until they are ready to be seen.

Today, they wanted to let me know that they will be disappearing. There have already been fewer of them around for the past two weeks or so, and the day before, group 2 let me know that they had headed off, and that I wouldn't be seeing them again for a while (… although I said "okay, but who knows how long that will be?!")

… and then, this morning, the dolphins didn't really show up for the kayakers. They were there, though.

They said there were two of them out there, two females they let me know, just before the kayakers headed out. They stayed pretty much hidden though, and didn't "mingle".
They said the rest of their group has gone on, but they're still here for a little while longer, as long as the kayakers are there.

The dolphins connect with different energies.
Group 1 is the most conscious and light, the most interested in the energy that I "play with".
Group 2, however, is much more heart-centered, and they prefer nice warm heart connections. This is actually what makes them "friendly."

They let me know that when they are with the kayakers, the kayakers' energies are nice, and they can connect.

Group 3 indicates that they will be back around in the area in a while… they have a more "northern" migration route than group 2.

Group 1 is still around, but tends to stay farther out… at this point. They're more interested in the "energy pieces" and they don't need to be as much in the vicinity in order to connect. They stayed connected all last winter, even though they were only present some of the time.

(published somewhere around 08/11/2016)
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   08/12/2016  ~  ''Friendly'' dolphins


"Friendly" dolphins

My group 2 dolphins are what I call my "friendly dolphins". They enjoy people more than the other dolphin groups do.

It's my group 2 dolphins that always come around the kayakers who are out in the ocean enjoying their kayak tours… and for whatever reason, they especially enjoy the light-colored kayaks, like the white ones and the yellow ones…

At this point in time, they are unsure as to whether the kayaks are sentient or not (note that they're wondering about the kayaks… not the people in them!), and so they come near to explore.

On this particular day, as I was standing on the beach, my group 1 dolphins became aware of the idea of being "friendly", and they wanted to know more about that.

Back in the spring, I had connected with my group 3 dolphins and asked "What do you feel like?", meaning, "What is your overall energy… How would you come across to me if I knew you well?"
One of the male dolphins had given me a  "dose" of his energy. I was completely taken by surprise.

I was expecting that dolphins would have soft energy, and would feel kind.
It was actually a very strong energy. I would describe it as aggressive! (Surprise!!!)

At that time, I also asked to feel a female dolphin's energy, and it also felt very "strong" and not at all soft or feminine as I had been expecting it might be.
Once they "experience", though, how I "feel them", they understand. It's a big deal, like
"Do we really come across that strongly?"
… and then, "naturally, we can update", they indicate.

So after this, my group 3 males felt more kind, but the group 3 females didn't yet know how to connect with me, because through their dolphin culture, it's the males who have always been the ones talking and interacting with others.
Please note that even within the other dolphin groups, the females don't interact… yet…
… however, see journal entry for 9/12/2016 for how the dolphin ladies first began reaching out to interact.
Anyway, on this day, my group 1 dolphins wanted to align with much more "friendliness".
They were already feeling the delight of the people on the beach as they dolphined by. "That’s a very new thing for us," they said.  

It was interesting and "unexplainable" to them as well, because they were unsure of what it is (or was) that keeps them "dolphining by", close to the beach. (My note: I had become very aware that the more people there are at the beach on warm days, the more likely that the dolphins would come closer…)

Gradually, they've learned that "people love seeing dolphins", and that's what keeps "calling them".

By the way, most dolphins (at least my east coast dolphins) are sure that everyone else is dolphins also. They use that idea so that they might be able to connect with them.

They know that those "people dolphins" (people) on the beach enjoy their vibes, so the dolphins will come close to the shoreline. The more "people dolphins" on the beach that are happy to see the dolphins, the "easier" the dolphins feel, and so they "dolphin by" more easily.

Now, group 1 began connecting with not only receiving the vibes of others (especially my energy for now), but also about how they respond back.

They became aware that it begins with their own vibes, and the females have been the ones to integrate this new "softer" pattern first… The females are much more "kind" already, and there is now very little of that "aggressive" energy that I felt back in the spring when I had first asked how they would "feel" to me.

… but don't worry, they show me that they're still VERY aggressive when they need to be!
"When it's about survival, we come first" they indicate.
The group 1 males will understand it soon, but for now, I'm aware that the females of group 1 respond with softness, at least towards other dolphins. (At this point, it's not yet acceptable for the females to interact with someone outside of the dolphins who live in the water.)

(published somewhere around 08/12/2016)
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Page last updated on 9/26/2021


Joy is
a whale whisperer
and she communicates
with dolphins
and whales.

You’ll find many fascinating journal entries about Joy’s adventures,
first with the dolphins,
and then with the whales,
who joined in, in 2016.

Her information about the whales needs to be heard by many, including scientists and any others who might be willing to help.

Everything has a consciousness, and if you're Joy, you know how to connect with it!

Whether it's a drop of water, the sand, a tree, or a dolphin, everything has a story to tell.

So Joy began connecting with dolphins and whales, and here are some of her very interesting adventures.

Movie Links
...to movies that
are mentioned
(or will be, soon...)
in Joy's
Dolphin & Whale Journals

The Great Whales
(a streaming video, by New Dimensions Media)

Ocean Giants
(a 3-hour production by BBC Earth on DVD)

(for streaming, with Pierce Brosnan)